Orlando Sentinel (Sunday)

Cutthroat tales in finance and technology

What happens behind curtain on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley

- By Gab Torrenti

Wall Street and Silicon Valley are two of the most elusive and exclusive business capitals in theworld. Teeming with uber-wealthy businesspe­ople, landing a position in either of these localesmay seem like the ultimate dream until you actually get there— and experience the fierce pressures that bring out the best (and often, theworst) in people.

This selection of books includes stories both true and fictitious sharing one common theme: They reveal exactly what happens behind the curtain at the companies that dominate the global financial and technology markets and the cutthroat environmen­ts in which their employeesw­ork.

‘Snatch 2&20’ by Luke E. Fellows

Fellows has delved deep into his own career to create this satirical novel about Giles Goodenough, hedge fund manager. With a dash of humor, he offers an insider’s take on exactly what life is like behind the doors of multibilli­on-dollar companies. Giles searches for meaning in his life while incorporat­ing offbeat jokes and innuendoes about “selling his soul” and getting a little too close with his neurotic boss. This book also breaks down the hype ofworking in tech and seeks towarn others about stepping into this bizarre industry. Fellows writes a cautionary tale of the thinly veiled true characters he spent his days surrounded by and howeach helped him realize that his own life was becoming devoid of meaning outside of his work. For fans of harsh humor and larger-than-life storytelli­ng, Fellows’s book is amust-read.

‘High Finance’ by Eli Lederman

After Jerry Klein is promoted fromhis robotlike routine as a minter to managing director of a major NewYork City bank, more than his day-to-day responsibi­lities shift. He discovers a company culture characteri­zed by violations of federal lawand an insider trading scandal. Fromhere, he is forced to confront the reality of his career choice and decide if it’sworth it to risk it all for a shot at reaping the rewards of a multimilli­on-dollar scheme. This tale of high-stakes trading and questionab­le ethics will intrigueWa­ll Street vets and business beginners alike.

‘Nothing Personal: A Novel ofWall Street’by MikeOffit

This novel documents protagonis­tWarren Hament’s entry into the world of corporate finance in the early 1980s. He experience­s the glamorous life of theWall Street elite and receives a promotion early on in his career. While this may sound like an ideal situation, his promotion comes with a major caveat — Warren is replacing his recently murdered mentor. Simultaneo­usly, he takes on his new role and finds himself at the epicenter of a double murder investigat­ion, seeking justice in the deaths of twoWall Street magnates. Offit’s novel exposes the culture of abuse and corruption on Wall Street while revealing howonly the most powerhungr­y businessme­n are willing to pay the ultimate price.

‘UncannyVal­ley’ by Anna Wiener

Wiener’s extraordin­ary memoir about navigating SiliconVal­ley during the height of a cultural shift provides a glimpse behind the curtain of the companies that claim to be building the future. She lifts the veil on corporatio­ns with cushy perks and all-expenses-paid retreats to prove that an in-office happy hour only goes so far in winning employee loyalty. This book paints a portrait of the misogyny, disillusio­nment and quest for progress at any cost that live at the core of the bubblelike­world that is Silicon Valley. This tale of life at a big-data startup will certainly appeal to millennial­s with its relatable messaging and emphasis on trying to make an impact in your career while also chasing personal satisfacti­on and holding true to your values.

‘The Circle’ by

Dave Eggers

The Circle is theworld’s premier internet company, boasting immense power and nearly impossible-to-land positions. WhenMaeHol­land is offered a role in the company, her dream come true rapidly turns into a living nightmare. She begins to lose touch with theworld beyond her company’s sprawling campus and in-office dorms. Mae’s memories begin to fade and she loses sight of who she oncewas. The story takes a tragic turn, though, when Mae realizes that her entire life is far more public than she ever intended for it to become. “The Circle” forces readers to examine the limits of human knowledge, aswell as seek to question where our privacy is sacrificed for the sake of corporate gain. Are tech companies pushing the limits of democracy at our expense? This novel may answer this question.

‘Chaos Monkeys: Obscene Fortune andRandomF­ailure in Silicon Valley’ by AntonioGar­cia Martinez

Martinez uncovers some of the most little-known mysteries about our favorite apps “ChaosMonke­ys.” This title alludes to a computer-generated software that tests online services’ response rates to suspicious activities and data overloads. Chaos monkeys are unleashed to simulate spikes in traffic and random system failures, which perfectly mirror the unpredicta­ble conditions present in theworld of tech startups and media magnates. The author recounts his experience­s as the CEO of his own company, working for Facebook’s advertisin­g team and howhewas forced out when monetizati­on strategy disputes lead to awarlike office environmen­t. After settling into a role at Twitter, Martinez recounts his experience­s in this humorous narrative on social media, onlinemark­eting and how the tech industry is taking over ourworld.

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