Orlando Sentinel (Sunday)

Goren on Bridge

- With Bob Jones

East-West vulnerable, South deals

Today’s deal is from a team competitio­n some years ago. Both tables reached four hearts and both West players led the five of diamonds. Paths diverged from there.

At one table, East won the ace of diamonds at trick one and shifted to the nine of clubs to the queen and king. Declarer ducked in dummy and won the jack of clubs continuati­on with dummy’s ace. South cashed dummy’s ace of hearts and led a heart, rising with his king when East showed out. He then led the jack of hearts to West’s queen. That was it for the defense and declarer had 10 tricks and his contract.

At the other table, East ducked his ace at trick one. South won and played hearts the same way — ace, king, and jack to West’s queen. West led his remaining diamond to East’s ace and ruffed the diamond return. He exited with the queen of spades to South’s ace. There were not enough entries to develop a spade trick and South drifted down one from there.

South could have run the jack of hearts at trick two, extracting all of West’s low trumps before giving him the queen. This would not be normal play. However, South could have and should have cashed the ace and king of spades before giving West the queen of hearts. West would have to lead a club after ruffing the diamond. Even if West had a spade to play, he would likely be setting up a spade trick in dummy.

Bob Jones welcomes readers’ responses sent in care of this newspaper or to Tribune Content Agency, LLC., 16650 Westgrove Dr., Suite 175, Addison, TX 75001. E-mail responses may be sent to tcaeditors@tribune.com.


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