Orlando Sentinel

Goren on Bridge

- With Bob Jones Bob Jones welcomes readers’ responses sent in care of this newspaper or to Tribune Content Agency, LLC., 16650 Westgrove Dr., Suite 175, Addison, TX 75001. Email responses may be sent to tcaeditors@tribune.com. © 2015 Tribune Content Agency

There are two prominent schools of thought about opening leads. One school feels that the lead of a low card should promise an honor in the suit — at least the jack.

The other school accepts that concept when defending a no-trump contract but prefers to give “count” when defending a suit contract. This second group leads low from an odd number of cards in the suit regardless of whether or not they hold an honor in that suit, and third best from an even number.

Today’s deal is from a youth match between England and Norway earlier this year. The defense needs a club ruff along with two diamonds and a trump to defeat four hearts. Getting that ruff proved tricky.

East wins the opening diamond lead with his ace and must decide how to continue. Should he shift to a club at trick two, declarer will win and cash three rounds of spades, shedding his diamond loser. East does best to hope his partner holds the king of diamonds, so he returns the three of diamonds as a suit-preference signal, hoping his partner shifts to clubs after winning his king.

This East-West agreed to lead low from three, regardless of strength. That wouldn’t have prevented the winning defense by itself, but the declarer, James Paul, of England, dropped his queen of diamonds under the ace at trick one! East believed that Paul’s other diamond was surely the king, so he shifted to a club and the game sailed home. Nice play!

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