Orlando Sentinel

Ask Amy: Teen’s friend struggles with depression.

- Ask Amy

Dear Amy: I have a friend, “Morgan,” who I found out has been cutting herself. Morgan has struggled with depression since she was young. She seemed to hit rock-bottom this past summer. She started cutting her arms with kitchen knives and scissors, including at my own birthday party. At first she said it had been an accident, but as I saw more and more scars develop on her arms, I knew something was wrong.

I asked her privately about this, and she told me everything. Her parents had forced her into therapy during the summer and she couldn’t stand it. She said she knows her cutting takes a toll on her friends, and that after she cuts she regrets it. I told her I was always there for her if she needed to talk to someone, or if she needed to do something to take her mind off of cutting. I told her to just let me know and I would try to help her.

I recently heard something disturbing. She said that late at night, while her parents were asleep, she went down to the kitchen and cut herself with a kitchen knife for “no reason in particular.” Lately, she has stopped cutting herself, but she says that she feels the event is always looming over her head.

How do I help Morgan? Have I done all I can for her? I want to be as supportive as possible for her, but have I done or said something wrong? Morgan asked me to not tell anyone about her behavior, and I feel like it is a giant brick on my shoulders. What should I do? — Worried In Washington

Dear Worried: You are very smart and sensitive, and “Morgan” is lucky to have a friend like you. One of the best ways to help her is to give her a supportive outlet to talk honestly about her feelings and behavior.

People who cut often describe it as bringing relief after a buildup of stress and anxiety. Talking can help to decrease the stress.

Don’t judge Morgan, but understand that this is a potentiall­y serious issue, and that she will likely need patient and supportive profession­al help.

Take this brick off your shoulder and bring Morgan to see your school counselor. If she won’t go with you, tell her that you need to go on your own. You should also talk to your parents (they may decide to reach out to hers). Here are some very helpful resources for both of you: Selfinjury.bctr.cornell.edu; the crisis text helpline: text 741-741 (US only); selfinjury.net (US and Canada).

You can write Amy Dickinson at askamy@tribune.com or by mail to: Ask Amy, Chicago Tribune, TT500, 435 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611.

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