Orlando Sentinel

Rubio rallies team at Orlando HQ Friday

- Steven Lemongello

Marco Rubio made a stop at the official opening of a Republican volunteer headquarte­rs in Orlando on Friday, telling supporters “if we work together, we will celebrate victory in November.” With four days to go before Tuesday's Republican U.S. Senate primary, no mention was made of Rubio’s Republican opponent, Carlos Beruff — or, for that matter, Republican presidenti­al candidate Donald Trump. Instead the message was aimed at victory in November. Rubio was introduced by one of his former primary opponents, Orlando businessma­n Todd Wilcox, who dropped out shortly after Rubio re-entered the race in June. “I was a candidate for U.S. Senate,” Wilcox said. “In declaring my candidacy, I accepted a mission, and that mission was to keep the Senate Republican. My path changed, but my mission remained the same.”

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