Orlando Sentinel

Goren on Bridge

- With Bob Jones Bob Jones welcomes readers’ responses sent in care of this newspaper or to Tribune Content Agency, LLC., 16650 Westgrove Dr., Suite 175, Addison, TX 75001. Email responses may be sent to tcaeditors@tribune.com. © 2017 Tribune Content Agency

QUESTION 1: Neither vulnerable, as South, you hold: ♠ AK4 ♥ 94 ♦ KQJ843 ♣ KQ


1♦ Pass 1♥ Pass What call would you make? A: You are too strong for three diamonds and it is usually a bad idea to jump shift into a three-card major. Bid two no-trump. Q2: North-South vulnerable, as South, you hold: ♠ 8 ♥ KQJ10 ♦ AKQ108 ♣ K75


1♦ Pass 2♦ Pass What call would you make? A: Bid two hearts. Partner has denied a four-card major, so you’re not looking for a heart fit. You’re hoping partner can bid no-trump, or two spades to show strength there. Q3: East-West vulnerable, as South, you hold: ♠ A10986 ♥ K1074 ♦ K87 ♣ 10


1♦ Pass 1♠ Pass 2♣ Pass ? What call would you make?

A: A bid of two hearts would be fourth-suit forcing and create a game force. It would be artificial and not even show hearts. You’re not strong enough to force to game. Bid three diamonds.

Q 4: Both vulnerable, as South, you hold:

♠ A76 ♥ 3 ♦ AQJ953 ♣ AK7 With the opponents passing, you open one diamond and partner responds one spade. What is your rebid?

A: This hand is too strong to rebid three diamonds. A jump shift into a three-card minor is acceptable. Bid three clubs.

Q5: North-South vulnerable, as South, you hold: ♠ Q4 ♥ KJ2 ♦ AQ ♣ J76432 With the opponents passing, you open one club and partner responds one heart. What is your rebid?

A: Your choices are one no-trump, two clubs, or two hearts. All three would get votes in a bidding contest, but we strongly prefer two hearts.

Q6: East-West vulnerable, as South, you hold: ♠ A3 ♥ Q10862 ♦ A8 ♣ AQ65


1♥ Pass Pass 1NT What call would you make?

A: East’s bid in the pass out seat shows 11-14 points. You are just barely good enough for another bid. Bid two clubs.

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