Orlando Sentinel

Bear-proof trash cans, videos aim to reduce Lake conflicts

- By Carlos E. Medina

Lake County hopes to frustrate more black bears next year after the County Commission approved applying for a grant to buy another 800 bear-proof trash cans.

The request for $200,000 from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservati­on Commission is the second request by the county. Last year, the FWC awarded Lake with $200,000 to buy 800 cans. In July, the county deployed the first 21 cans in high-bear population areas.

The county will present a plan for full deployment to the commission during their Sept. 12 regular meeting, said Mary Hamilton with Lake County public works.

“We’ve received good feedback. Two (cans) are at our fire station that’s in the bear area,” Hamilton said. “Along with the trash cans, we will continue with education so residents keep their garbage secure and not put their cans out until the last minute.”

Greg Workman, an FWC spokesman, said the cans deployed so far across the area, including in Seminole and Orange counties, have worked well.

“There have been a lot of good reports,” Workman said. “We have another half a million (in grants) that we’re about to disperse here soon.”

FWC put on a live demonstrat­ion at the Central Florida Zoo in May to show off the cans. Lined with peanut butter and honey, it drove the bears crazy at first.

“They worked really hard. They tried and tried but they couldn’t get it open,” Workman said. “They finally gave up and just started doing whatever bears do.”

Bear education is a major emphasis for the FWC. The bear population in the state swelled to more than 4,000 in recent years. The Ocala National Forest, portions of which lie in north Lake County, is the epicenter of bear activity.

To reduce the conflict between bears and people, FWC allowed a hunt in 2015 to reduce the population. Hunters killed 304 bears across the state.

This week, FWC released two new videos on bear safety. The first shows what to do if you encounter a bear in the woods. The second shows how to deal with a bear that comes on your property. Both feature actors showing the techniques.

“It’s just another way of getting the message across,” Workman said. “It’s one thing to read about it, but when you see it, it makes it clearer.”

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