Orlando Sentinel

Cut pods to keep plants attractive


I do not know what to do with the old flower on our orange bird of paradise. I assume you cut them off but how far down?

Enjoy the flowers from your bird of paradise for several weeks before the cluster declines. Up to six blooms gradually open from a pod-like structure often called a boat. As each blossom declines, it browns and shrivels. If you wish, the declining blooms can be removed to keep the clusters attractive. Pods from which the blooms opened can be left to deteriorat­e or cut back to within the plant from where it emerged. Most gardeners like to keep their plants attractive and remove the pods with the long stems as needed.

This year my hibiscus plant has grown straight up to nine-feet tall with little side growth. How and when should I trim this plant?

Why not enjoy late fall through winter hibiscus blooms for a few more months then in mid-February give your plant a renewal pruning? This is also the time to remove winter damage along with too tall and out-of-bounds stems.

Hibiscus pruning is left to the desires of each gardener but such a vigorous plant might be cut back to about half its size. At this time, thin out crowded stems and any that appear diseased or making little growth. Your plant should produce plenty of side shoots this spring to give the bush a wider, spreading look. Apply a slow-release landscape fertilizer after pruning to encourage the new growths.

I think my Christmas cactus is dying as the leaves are getting limp and turning purple. Do I need to fertilize the plant?

Skip the fertilizer, but give this cactus a new container. Remove some of the old soil from around the roots and provide the same size or a slightly smaller container than in which the plant was growing. The roots are likely rotting and cannot take up needed water and nutrients. Use fresh potting soil and water thoroughly. Then keep the plant a little dry and water when the surface soil dries to the touch.

All Christmas cactus, often called holiday cactus, should be kept a bit dry this time of the year and feedings should be discontinu­ed until spring. Also keep the plants in a spot where they receive no nighttime light to flower for the holidays.

We have banana plants that were blown over during the hurricane. Can I stand them up and replant to have them survive?

Toppled banana plants may have a tough time rooting in the ground. Plants more than four- to five-feet tall likely lost too much of their root system to make a quick recovery. Since it is late in the year it is probably best to cut them back to the ground and allow new shoots to develop future plants. Smaller banana plants can be righted with soil added to cover the root systems. There is another problem. Winter is on the way so expect some cold damage to all these plants except in the warmest locations. Also, there is likely to be little growth until spring.

Hurricane Irma damaged a shed where a confederat­e jasmine was growing on a trellis. A few weeks ago I cut the jasmine down to within a few feet of the ground to rebuild the shed. Will the plants grow back?

Expect your confederat­e jasmine to make renewed growth but it is going to take a little time. Vegetative buds on the lower stems need a bit longer to swell and begin growth. This is a tough, durable plant that should start to refill a new trellis in a month or two. Keep the soil moist and apply a light fertilizer applicatio­n when growth begins and again in spring.

I have a gardenia in a pot outdoors with leaves turning yellow and falling off. I have been watering often but it does not seem to be improving. What can you suggest?

Yellowing and dropping leaves often suggests a root problem. The cure could be as simple as giving the plant a larger container with fresh soil. Frequently a plant grows too large for its container and you cannot water enough during the hotter months to prevent decline.

Remove the plant from the container and take a look at the root system. If the root system is filling the pot, it is time for a container several inches larger in diameter. Also make sure the plant has good drainage as roots plus decomposin­g soil can plug the holes and keep the gardenia too wet and cause decline.

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