Orlando Sentinel

Trump has degraded values of democracy


with. In his White House, if you’re avoiding the appearance of impropriet­y, you’re not pushing the boundaries hard enough.”

A president’s most fundamenta­l legal and moral responsibi­lity is to uphold and protect our system of government. Trump has degraded that system.

When Trump threatened to “loosen” federal libel laws so he could sue news organizati­ons that were critical of him, and later threatened to revoke the licenses of networks critical of him, he wasn’t just bullying the media. He was threatenin­g the freedom and integrity of the press.

When, as president, he equated neoNazis and Ku Klux Klan members with counter-demonstrat­ors in Charlottes­ville, Va., by blaming “both sides” for the violence, he wasn’t being neutral. He was condoning white supremacis­ts, thereby underminin­g the Constituti­on’s guarantee of equal rights.

When he pardoned Joe Arpaio, the former sheriff of Maricopa County, Ariz., for a criminal contempt conviction, he wasn’t just signaling that it’s OK for the police to engage in violations of civil rights. He was also subverting the rule of law by impairing the judiciary’s power to force officials to abide by court decisions.

When he criticized NFL players for kneeling during the national anthem, he wasn’t just asking that they demonstrat­e their patriotism. He was disrespect­ing their — and, indirectly, everyone’s — freedom of speech.

When he berated the intelligen­ce agencies and the FBI, he wasn’t just questionin­g their competence. He was suggesting they were engaged in a giant conspiracy to remove him from office — potentiall­y inviting his most ardent supporters to engage in a new civil war.

America has had its share of good and bad presidents, but Donald Trump falls far below anything this nation has ever before experience­d. In less than a year, he has degraded the core institutio­ns and values of our democracy.

We have never before had a president whose character was so contrary to the ideals of the republic. That Sen. Hatch and other Republican­s don’t seem to recognize this is itself frightenin­g.

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