Orlando Sentinel

End the lockout of Florida’s 3.4 million independen­t voters

- By Steve Hough

Over the past year, Floridians have shown an outpouring of support for getting rid of our state’s closed system of elections and embracing open primaries. This week the Constituti­on Revision Commission can take another step toward making that a reality — if its members listen to the voters and support moving the open primary proposal introduced by Commission­er William Schifino forward to a vote of the full commission.

The 2016 presidenti­al primaries brought into clear focus how “rigged” our election system is, particular­ly against the 45 percent of Americans who consider themselves independen­ts. Nowhere is that more clear than right here in Florida, which has the dubious distinctio­n of being one of only nine closed primary states. The 2016 primaries left Florida’s 3.4 million independen­t voters locked out and mad as hell.

Fast forward to when the Constituti­on Revision Commission, a body that convenes every 20 years to put proposed amendments to our constituti­on before voters, began its work by holding public hearings around the state.

My organizati­on, Florida Fair and Open Primaries, co-sponsored a poll with the national organizati­on Open Primaries to better understand how the people of Florida felt about our current system of closed party elections. What we found was shocking.

An overwhelmi­ng majority (92 percent) of Florida voters want their elected officials to put the interests of Florida voters ahead of the interests of their own political party. They (93 percent) want their elected leaders to bring opposing interests together to create good policies for the state, and 87 percent support electoral changes that expand democracy in Florida.

An astonishin­g 74 percent of Floridians want independen­t voters (27 percent of the Florida electorate) included in primary elections. Equally significan­t, 73 percent of Floridians, including majorities of Republican­s, Democrats and independen­ts, think the CRC should put an open-primaries initiative before the voters.

With such results in hand, we began soliciting people to speak directly to the commission in support of open primaries. To our surprise, dozens of people we never spoke to showed up at nine public hearings to speak out. More than 75 open-primaries supporters provided the commission with more than two hours of testimony — making open primaries one of the leading issues raised by the people of Florida before the CRC.

So many people reached out in support that we launched a petition with our national partner so that the many Floridians who hadn’t been able to attend a hearing could have a voice. That petition currently has 9,400 signatures in support of the open-primaries proposal. Hundreds more voters have sent personal cards, letters and emails in support as well.

On Oct. 4, the CRC Ethics and Elections Committee heard from three separate county supervisor­s of elections. They all agreed on three things: The number of registered independen­t voters in our state is exploding (in fact, in some counties independen­ts are the second-largest group of voters); closed primaries are a significan­t source of voter confusion; and voters are upset. All three are clearly connected.

As the supervisor­s also noted, primaries have notoriousl­y low turnout, yet they determine the eventual winner in 90 percent of races nationwide. Only 16 percent of Florida races were competitiv­e in 2016. Due to a number of factors, primaries have become the most meaningful step in selecting our representa­tives, yet 3.4 million Floridians are still locked out of the process.

Voter affiliatio­n in our state is changing rapidly, and our current system of primary elections that divide voters into Democrats and Republican­s alone no longer represents us. It’s clear what the voters of Florida want. And it’s clear that the CRC needs to act if it’s going to hold itself out as representi­ng the will of the people. As such, we urge the Ethics and Elections Committee to accept Schifino’s proposal this week and to forward it, with unanimous support, to the full commission for considerat­ion.

Put the open primaries proposal on the November ballot, and let the voters decide.

 ??  ?? Steve Hough is the director of Florida Fair and Open Primaries, an electionre­form organizati­on.
Steve Hough is the director of Florida Fair and Open Primaries, an electionre­form organizati­on.

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