Orlando Sentinel

Basic instinct: Tell lies? Say hello to Trump 2.0


boast. “I said, ‘Wrong, Justin, you do.’ I didn’t even know ... I had no idea. I just said, ‘You’re wrong.’ ”

When caught in the lie, Trump did what Trump does: Repeats the lie, louder, stronger and more stridently.

After the lie was reported, Trump tweeted his insistence that we do have a trade deficit with Canada. Yet, as PolitiFact reports:

“In 2017, the United States had a $23.2 billion deficit with Canada in goods. In other words, the United States in 2017 bought more goods from Canada than Canada bought from the United States. However, the United States had a $25.9 billion surplus with Canada in services — and that was enough to overcome that deficit and turn the overall balance of trade into a $2.8 billion surplus for the United States in 2017. The same pattern occurred in 2016.” Why did he do it? Because he can. What makes Trump’s trade claim audacious enough to be ominous is its timing. It comes at a time when the president is reported to be feeling a new level of comfort with his job and more confidence in his instincts than in his own in-house experts.

For example, his legal advisers urged him to avoid provoking or even mentioning the name of special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigat­ing the Trump campaign’s Russia contacts.

But his decision over the weekend to ignore that advice in a Twitter tweetstorm, wrote The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman, “was the decision of a president who ultimately trusts only his own instincts and now believes he has settled into the job enough to rely on them rather than the people who advise him.”

Welcome to Trump 2.0: Trump off the chain. He thinks he knows the ropes and getting rid of people who want to say something to him besides “yes.”

Sure, we should not assume that all of his decisions are going to be wrong. But, considerin­g the recent turbulence in his White House personnel, it brings little comfort to know that he would rather rely on his instincts than on experts.

On the bright side, he offers plenty to keep journalist­s busy. And fact-checkers.

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