Orlando Sentinel

Plant romaine lettuce in cooler months


I planted romaine lettuce in a container that is now growing a stalk. Is this normal?

Many of us do not appreciate the hot summer months and long for fall – so does romaine lettuce. What you have noticed is a process called “bolting,” where the lettuce, due to hot weather, produces flower spikes and eventually seed. The lettuce is edible but likely has a bitter taste most gardeners won’t be adding to their salads and sandwiches. Avoid the potential for bolting by planting your next crop in late fall through winter to grow during the cooler months.

I have been given a huge neglected geranium from which I removed all the declining portions and longer stems. Can I root the stem portions and what care is needed?

Geraniums are not happy during the summer months but they should start to flourish in October. Cooler nights and warmish days are what the plants like most. Your job is getting this gift plant through a bit more hot, humid weather. Keep your geranium in filtered sun and do not overwater. Fungal activity encouraged by wet weather can cause rotting of stems and roots. You might apply a fungicide labeled for flowering plants to help prevent decline.

Fertilize with a slow-release product following label instructio­ns. When the good growing weather arrives you can make tip cuttings from the longer stems.

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