Orlando Sentinel

UN envoy: Stop the ‘alarming’ military escalation in Yemen


UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. special envoy for Yemen is urging a halt to the “alarming military escalation” in fighting between the Saudi-led military coalition and Houthi Shiite rebels, the U.N. spokesman said Tuesday.

Spokesman Stephane Dujarric said envoy Martin Griffiths warned the Security Council at a closed meeting that the recent drastic escalation jeopardize­s progress made by the warring parties in de-escalating the conflict and on confidence building.

Less than two weeks ago, Griffiths had reported to the council on a major reduction in military operations. He expressed hope then that this would lead to talks between the government and Iranian-backed Houthis on ending the fiveyear conflict in the Arab world’s poorest nation.

The U.S.-backed Arab coalition battling to restore Yemen’s internatio­nally recognized government stepped up airstrikes in recent days on rebel targets northeast of the capital, Sanaa, following a monthslong lull, while the Houthis shelled government-held areas.

The sudden spike in violence across long-stalemated front lines threatened to exacerbate the conflict and complicate indirect peace talks between Saudi Arabia and the rebels as well as Griffiths’ efforts to get both sides back to the negotiatin­g table.

On a positive note, the representa­tive for the U.N. children’s agency UNICEF welcomed the Houthis’ release in Sanaa on Tuesday of 64 children allegedly captured during military operations, Dujarric said. He said UNICEF hopes this step also leads to an end to the Houthis’ recruitmen­t and use of children.

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