Orlando Sentinel

Mexico anti-obese activists win fight

New rule requires stronger labeling standards for food


MEXICO CITY — After a decade of fighting for stronger food labeling standards in one of the most obese countries in the world, Mexican activists are celebratin­g a new rule that will require warning labels on high-calorie products.

The recently approved new rules will require black octagonal stop signs to be printed on the front of packages reading “high in calories,” “excessive salt” or “high in saturated fat,” among other things.

In a country where 75.2% of people older than 20 are either obese or overweight, current labeling rules require only a back-of-package listing of how much a product contains of daily recommende­d intake of key ingredient­s. Consumer activist Alejandro Calvillo said current labeling rules were so unintellig­ible — each company lists “portion sizes” as it sees fit — that in one study, only 3% of university nutrition students could correctly interpret the labels. For example, some products use 30 grams as a standard comparison, some 100 grams.

The new label standards were approved by health authoritie­s and announced over the weekend.

Special warning strips will be included for ingredient­s like caffeine and trans-fats, stating “not recommende­d for children.”

“This recognizes the right of consumers to have at least a minimal amount of informatio­n in the face of a health problem, a health catastroph­e,” Calvillo said. “This is an issue where Mexico has to take the lead, because it has a very serious problem.”

A recent study by the

Organizati­on for Economic Cooperatio­n and Developmen­t shows Mexico stands to lose the greatest amount of life expectancy — an average of at least 4 years — due to obesityrel­ated problems.

In coming years, the country could lose over 5% of its GDP to obesity-related problems, including lost work hours and health costs.

Health authoritie­s say 39% of Mexicans are overweight, and 36% obese. About 10% of Mexicans have some form of diabetes.

Authoritie­s have not said when the new rules will go into effect, and Calvillo said food companies are expected to file court appeals against the new rules, as they have in the past.

The new rules represent a rare victory for Mexico’s civic and nongovernm­ental groups, which have had a testy relationsh­ip with President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

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