Orlando Sentinel

Goren on Bridge

- With Bob Jones

East’s jump to two hearts, in the pass-out seat, showed 14-16 points and a decent six-card suit. It is a standard bid. In a pairs game, North might well have passed South’s takeout double. The two-heart contract would surely have failed by a trick. This deal is from a team competitio­n and passing was too risky. The final contract was not pretty, but at least they had more trumps than their opponents.

East won the first trick with the ace of hearts and continued the suit to South’s king. Declarer played the ace of clubs and another club, won by East with the queen. East led another heart, ruffed by South and over-ruffed by West. Not wanting to lead a diamond from the jack, West reasonably exited with a low spade.

South won with his 10 and cashed three more spade tricks. East refused to ruff with his high trump and shed three hearts instead. South exited with his last trump to East and East was on the spot.

This had been a difficult defense and East-West had not been perfect, but East got it right now. He led the queen of diamonds! This assured EastWest of a diamond trick regardless of South’s play. Had East led a low diamond, or the nine, South could have played the suit for no losers with a good guess. Nice play by East! Bob Jones welcomes readers’ responses sent in care of this newspaper or to Tribune Content Agency, LLC., 16650 Westgrove Dr., Suite 175, Addison, TX 75001. Email responses may be sent to tcaeditors@tribune.com.

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