Orlando Sentinel



Aries (March 21-April 19): While you prefer to act and speak directly, it is wise to keep your feelings and activities to yourself today. The last thing you want is to be discourage­d by a well-meaning friend with little faith. By keeping your own counsel, you’ll stay dedicated as you reach a lofty goal.

Taurus (April 20-May 20): When someone tries to join you, be honest about your desire to keep things casual; their reaction will tell you everything about whether you should align with this group. Someone who’s pressuring you isn’t your style. This is a time of experiment­ation; savor it.

Gemini (May 21-June 20): Your mind is working at a mile a minute, but you’re more inclined to remain quiet when placed in unfamiliar surroundin­gs, at least until you get a lay of the land. Your powers of observatio­n are especially strong now and will help you adapt quickly to new situations.

Cancer (June 21-July 22): There’s untapped support available. Delving into a new belief system will expose new worldviews. Whether this approach is spiritual, philosophi­cal or religious, it’s important you have faith in it even if it goes against your childhood practices.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): Your passion for life cannot be contained. Occupying yourself with a craft project that doesn’t require much thought could pave the way to a breakthrou­gh. Until then, have fun making something for pure pleasure. You’re too artistic to devote all your energy to responsibi­lity.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You pride yourself on a practical approach, but that doesn’t mean you don’t appreciate beauty. In fact, luxurious clothing, high-end accessorie­s and lovely decor may be especially appealing to you now. Splurging on things your heart desires deepens your enjoyment of life.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct.

22): A difference of opinion may rub you the wrong way today. Rather than getting into a keyboard war on social media, take a deep breath and turn your attention inward. Prayer, meditation or spiritual reading can help you regain peace and perspectiv­e. Just follow your wellintend­ed instincts.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Your fierce loyalty to your nearest and dearest is admirable. A loved one may be in need of practical assistance or moral support today, and you’re just the person who can help. Meanwhile, if one of your friends proposes taking a trip together in the future, take them up on this offer.

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22Dec. 21): If there’s a memory or feeling you just can’t shake, it’s time to address it directly; there’s some unfinished business here. It’s never too late to apologize for a mistake or correct an injustice from your past. Pay attention, and be as generous and empathetic as possible.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): When you change your outlook, you change the type of energy you attracte. If something is troubling you, turn your attention to a pleasant idea, memory or experience. Make it your mission to feel as good as you possibly can today. Let your mind retreat to a world of fantasy.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): In the past, you might have resisted taking a job with lots of responsibi­lity, preferring an undemandin­g work schedule. But now, you’re ready to begin a new phase in your profession­al life. Moving into a creative field will be especially exciting to an innovator like you.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): Embarking on a new adventure will fill you with happiness. Whether you take up a course of study, plan an exciting trip or adopt a fitness regimen, it captivates you and gives you something to look forward to. Going after the things that are important to you makes life authentic.

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