Orlando Sentinel

For Seminole County Commission races, Bob Dallari, Lee Constantin­e and Pernell Bush


If it hadn’t been for the pandemic, the biggest story in Seminole County this year probably would have been an attempt to undo the voters’ will and place a huge developmen­t inside the county rural boundary.

Two sitting Republican commission­ers running for re-election had the courage to stand up and say no, despite intense pressure and a lawsuit.

For that, and more, they deserve their party’s support in the upcoming primary.

Democrats, meanwhile, should back the candidate who served in the Marines and has gone on to a career devoted to helping others.

The winners of these three primaries will go on to the general election this fall.

The endorsemen­ts below are based partly on candidate interviews, as well as our review of the candidates’ positions on issues, their background­s and their qualificat­ions. against the developmen­t. Dallari held firm against a proposed land-swap that would have involved the county giving up a large tract of public land.

His determinat­ion to stand up for what voters wanted is exactly the kind of leadership voters in Seminole should reward by returning him to office.

Dallari’s opponent, Morgan, is a colorful character with the engaging personalit­y of someone who’s known a measure of celebrity. Morgan seems well-suited to the job he has now as mayor of a smallish city.

Morgan says he would have opposed River Cross and would protect the rural zone, but why would voters bank on a promise when they have a commission­er who already proved he would?

Dallari passed the test, and he’s been a solid commission­er in other respects as well. There’s no compelling argument for Republican­s to make a change. They should select Dallari to run against a Democratic opponent this fall. trying to protect Seminole’s waterways, including his early support for rules to stop fertilizer pollution.

Like Dallari, he’s supported policies that have made Seminole County a place where people want to live, not a place to avoid.

The two also supported the county’s decision — a wise but difficult one — to require that residents wear face coverings in public places to stem the spread of the coronaviru­s.

Constantin­e’s opponent isn’t so sure. Ben Paris, a Longwood city commission­er who seems well versed on some issues, says there should have been more public input, raising the possibilit­y of more delays and more community spread.

Paris said he would have voted against the River Cross project “as presented” but begged off committing to how he would have voted on the land swap, saying he didn’t have much informatio­n on it. That’s quite a statement, considerin­g how much informatio­n was available and how passionate­ly Seminole residents felt about it. He either wasn’t paying attention or didn’t want to answer the question.

Republican voters have zero reason to doubt where Constantin­e comes down on protecting the rural zone, and whose side he’s on.

They should pick him as their candidate to run in the fall.

African American community of Goldsboro in north Seminole. He went off to serve in the Marines, got his degree in social work and has his own business in Oviedo as a therapist.

There’s a lot to like about Bush. His priorities are on target: Protecting the rural zone, making government more transparen­t, preserving the environmen­t. But he also understand­s the need for Seminole’s workforce to have more access to housing so they can choose to live in the county where they work.

Bush’s opponent is Mike Clelland, a former state legislator and retired firefighte­r who went on to get his law degree. He’s a bright, independen­t thinker. But there isn’t a great deal of difference in what’s important to Bush and Clelland, including their ability to talk about issues in a civil and constructi­ve way.

Bush was more specific, though, and his emphasis on human needs and the less fortunate is a voice that Seminole needs on its commission.

Democrats should make him their candidate for the election this fall.

 ??  ?? Dallari
 ??  ?? Constantin­e
 ??  ?? Bush

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