Orlando Sentinel

Ticked off! @Christmas fireworks


It ticks me off that they scheduled the top four college football teams to play on Dec. 31! Who and why do they do this? It New Years Eve!

I’m ticked off at myself for wasting two and a half hours watching The Matrix Resurrecti­ons. The only thing good about it was the special effects. The story line acting and dialogue were terrible. I don’t think Keanu Reeves spoke a sentence that lasted more than five words. This movie should not have been resurrecte­d.

Saw it earlier today and still disagree with leaving the car at the gas pump. Pull it into a parking place, get your receipt. Don’t inconvenie­nce the other drivers who were not responsibl­e for the receipt paper running out.

Wonder how parents who’re trying to get their children asleep for early Christmas morning are dealing with the maniacs shooting off fireworks all evening and blasting off the big ones at midnight and long after? I always had a peaceful feeling watching midnight mass through the years and tonight have no peace at all. How rude and inconsider­ate can you people be? And those who’re in that category I’d bet never read a paper to hear how people feel about their actions. You’ve ruined the sanctity of this night! And for days to come, I’m sure!

If you are ticked the bank held your check I can do you one better. My bank held my cash deposit for a week! No reason, they just decided to hold it until I raised holy heck with the manager. The same bank closed my account without notificati­on and tried to keep my money “in case there’s a check that hasn’t cleared yet.” Nope on a rope! I had to threaten to call the cops and charge them with theft before I got my money.

The flip side

Thank you to the Orlando Sentinel for the holiday comics. I inserted them in the Christmas cards I sent out this year.

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