Orlando Sentinel

A productive lame duck — end of a historic Congress

- Aaron Scherb is the senior director of legislativ­e affairs for Common Cause, a nonpartisa­n citizen watchdog and advocacy organizati­on. He wrote this for InsideSour­ces.com.

As this session of Congress winds down, it’s important to note its many achievemen­ts. The current Congress passed a bipartisan infrastruc­ture package, bipartisan anti-gun violence reform and a COVID-19 relief package, and made historic investment­s in climate change and health care while holding the former president accountabl­e by exposing the truth behind the Jan. 6 insurrecti­on.

However, with a potentiall­y obstructio­nist House of Representa­tives controlled by many election deniers taking the reins of power in 2023, there is increased urgency to achieve as much as possible during the “lame duck,” the period after the election during which the outgoing Congress sometimes punts key decisions.

The agenda during the current lame duck is likely to be packed, with Congress potentiall­y working up until or through the winter holidays. With the Senate on Tuesday passing a bill to codify marriage equality, the measure now heads back to the House of Representa­tives, which previously passed a similar version with strong bipartisan support. Other likely or possible items that Congress may consider during the lame duck include:

The National Defense Authorizat­ion Act, one of the few items Congress passes yearly.

An omnibus spending bill to keep the government funded past Dec. 16. Additional aid for Ukraine. Extending specific expiring tax provisions. A data privacy and/or an antitrust bill. Raising the debt ceiling. Confirming judicial vacancies. DACA/”Dreamers” legislatio­n.

The Jan. 6 select committee’s final report and possible action to hold former President Donald Trump accountabl­e for failing to cooperate with a subpoena. Electoral Count Act reform.

The last two items — the Jan. 6 select committee’s final report and Electoral Count Act reform — are critically important for the health of our democracy. The Jan. 6 select committee’s forthcomin­g report is expected to highlight the former president’s role in fomenting a deadly insurrecti­on and provide recommenda­tions to ensure that we have peaceful transfers of power between administra­tions.

Electoral Count Act reform is consequent­ial because it would modernize a law passed in 1887. Updating this antiquated law could help ensure peaceful transfers of power, and it is hoped it will prevent another insurrecti­on and attempted coup.

Especially now that the former president is running again and has continued to peddle his lies about who won the 2020 election, it’s important to pass legislatio­n that ensures the will of the voters will be respected and followed.

The Electoral Count Reform Act would accomplish several vital items: It would not only reinforce that the vice president’s role is ceremonial (to prevent the overturnin­g of election results), but it would also raise the threshold for members of Congress to object to a state’s electoral votes. Currently, it takes only one senator and one representa­tive to object to a state’s vote to force a debate and vote.

The Electoral Count Reform Act would raise this threshold to at least 20% percent of the House and the Senate to ensure that a fringe minority couldn’t hijack the process and ignore the will of voters. Additional­ly, the Electoral Count Reform Act would ensure expedited judicial review to guarantee that federal courts would quickly hear disputed cases.

Electoral Count Act reform legislatio­n passed in the House of Representa­tives in a bipartisan vote on Sept. 21, and a slightly different version was approved by the Senate Rules Committee in a near-unanimous 14-1 vote on Sept. 27. Given that the effort to reform the Electoral Count Act has strong bipartisan support in the House and Senate, it may be attached to other “mustpass” legislatio­n, such as the NDAA or the omnibus spending bill. As important as Electoral Count Act reform is, it’s no substitute for comprehens­ive freedom to vote and anti-corruption legislatio­n. After the Senate came within two votes of passing the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act earlier this year, it’ll take a bit longer to pass national voting standards.

 ?? ?? By Aaron Scherb
By Aaron Scherb

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