Orlando Sentinel

Now is the time to respect voters’ midterm message

- Chris Talgo is senior editor at The Heartland Institute. He wrote this for Inside Sources.com.

Now that the Thanksgivi­ng recess is over, the 117th Congress will reopen for business with just a few weeks before the 118th Congress will be sworn in.

Although the 117th Congress has a lot on its plate, such as a government funding bill that needs to be passed to avert a government shutdown, it would behoove the current Congress to respect the will of the voters (as recently demonstrat­ed in the midterm election), by doing as little as possible before the 118th Congress convenes on Jan. 3.

Historical­ly, this has been the norm. Over the past century, both parties have refrained from passing major legislatio­n during the few weeks after congressio­nal elections, colloquial­ly known as the “lameduck session.”

However, this year’s lame-duck session could buck this historical trend as many Democrats are clamoring to pass substantia­l bills while they still hold the House of Representa­tives before the GOP takes over the lower chamber next year.

For instance, as House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland recently told his congressio­nal colleagues, “Whether it’s strengthen­ing our economy, improving our immigratio­n system, protecting our national security, or safeguardi­ng democracy around the world, we have important work ahead of us in December.”

Hoyer added, “We must take full advantage of the coming weeks to deliver results for the people.”

So, what exactly is the outgoing Democratic-controlled Congress looking to do over the next few weeks?

For starters, they seek to pass yet another massive omnibus spending bill to keep the government operationa­l before the federal government runs out of money on Dec. 16. While end-of-year mega-spending bills have become the norm in recent years, it would be best for Congress to pass a short-term resolution that would keep the government funded through the holidays before the next Congress can attempt to rein in the out-of-control spending that has become standard procedure for far too long.

The current lame-duck Congress is also toying with hiking the debt ceiling (again) because our current debt ceiling of $31.4 trillion is about to lapse. As of this writing, the U.S. national debt has ballooned to an unsustaina­ble $31.3 trillion.

Make no mistake, both parties are guilty of kicking the can down the road regarding raising the debt ceiling. However, congressio­nal Republican­s have pledged to tackle the coming debt crisis, and they should have the opportunit­y to do so as soon as they take control of the House. In other words, the 117th Congress should not pass a massive debt ceiling increase that will only enable more profligate spending in coming months.

Aside from the big fiscal bills, the 117th Congress is also considerin­g passing several controvers­ial bills that would be dead on arrival when the 118th Congress convenes.

This laundry list of legislatio­n includes $40 billion more for Ukraine, $9 billion more for COVID-19, a bill that would enshrine same-sex marriage, a bill to revise the Electoral Count Act, a bill to revive the expanded child tax credit, a bill to resuscitat­e the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program and, perhaps most consequent­ially, a bill that would ban assault weapons.

Interestin­gly, as many midterm exit polls show, these issues are far from the list of priorities that voters want Congress to address in the months and years ahead.

Yet, with their control of the House of Representa­tives about to expire, it sure seems like congressio­nal Democrats are not interested in heeding the voters’ desires when it comes to their lame-duck agenda.

Fortunatel­y, due to the wisdom of our Founding Fathers who ensured the Senate would “cool” legislatio­n like a saucer cools hot tea, it is unlikely that any of these halfbaked bills will end up on President Joe Biden’s desk before the end of the year.

So, although congressio­nal Democrats would like to end the 117th Congress with a mighty legislativ­e roar, they seem far more likely to go out with a muted whimper.

 ?? ?? By Chris Talgo
By Chris Talgo

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