Orlando Sentinel

We must recall struggles and missteps of history

- Jose Rodriguez The Rev. Dr. Jose Rodriguez is the Vicar of Iglesia Episcopal Jesús de Nazaret in Orlando and was a 2020 finalist for Central Floridian of the Year.

Remember you were brought

“out of the house of slavery” (Deuteronom­y 6:12). Remember your “forty years in the wilderness” (Deuteronom­y 8:12). Remember everything and maintain your traditions (1 Corinthian­s 11:2). “Remember my chains” (Colossians 4:18). “This is my body which is given for you. Do this in remembranc­e of me” (Luke 22:19).

I have prayerfull­y and quietly pondered the damage that is being done to our children — including my first-grader and fifthgrade­r — through our governor calling on schools to forget and neglect history willfully in banning books and the honest retelling of the Black struggle in America. As a child, I remember reaching into a classroom library and finding a book on Rosa Parks and reading “Two Tickets to Freedom.” I remember learning to remember things that happened decades and centuries before my birth.

Our children are being robbed of the opportunit­y to allow their curiosity to teach them these stories. They aren’t being saved from shame. They are being robbed of their role in making right the wrongs of the past. Participat­ing in redeeming and transformi­ng communitie­s is one of the highest expression­s of our collective free will. Rememberin­g hard truths, harsh realities and uncomforta­ble facts is a Biblical first step in transformi­ng individual­s and society.

Our children are being denied access to inspiring stories of heroes who, despite adversity, discrimina­tion, and systematic oppression, contribute­d to the best of what makes America great, our ability to thrive, persevere, throw off shackles of oppression, and prosper despite the pain. It is the American way to respond to oppression by holding on to our inalienabl­e rights to freedom and self-determinat­ion.

Rememberin­g adversity, suffering and pain is a sacred duty, responsibi­lity, and commandmen­t. I agree with our governor that rememberin­g an honest retelling of history will make people feel uncomforta­ble. Being uncomforta­ble is disorienta­ting and offers us an opportunit­y to reorient ourselves. It is a holy and right thing for children to ponder their place in society, not as perpetrato­rs of oppression but as brokers of transforma­tion, grace, mercy, and reconcilia­tion.

As a Christian, I commit myself to rememberin­g, repenting, and allowing Christ to transform me and work in me and others to transform society to be more just and equitable. We must resist the Florida Department of Education’s command to forget and embrace the Lord’s command always to remember. We must never forget and actively remember the oppression faced by all in our society, from Black America to those who came to this country to escape oppression and embrace freedom.

We have a sacred duty to remember. We must be willing to remember the adversity and suffering that the heresy of racism and the crime of slavery has inflicted country and society. We must be willing to do this in the same way that we romanticiz­e and celebrate the suffering and oppression our white European forebearer­s faced in their homelands before emigrating to the Americas.

History engages the best and worst of our shared human experience. Erasing history or prohibitin­g the shared remembranc­e of experience­s shared by some community members is an affront to human dignity. All human suffering and adversity should be remembered and honored, even when it is inconvenie­nt or uncomforta­ble.

It is through the mystery of suffering and remembranc­e that repentance and change transform individual­s and society. Denying and rejecting truth only serves to destroy, pervert, and decay our society. Only through honest debate and intellectu­al introspect­ion of our past can our shared society mature and truly leave behind destructiv­e behaviors that belong in the past.

“Remember the days of old; consider the years of many generation­s; ask your father, and he will show you, your elders, and they will tell you” (Deuteronom­y 32.7).

Rememberin­g adversity, suffering and pain is a sacred duty, responsibi­lity, and commandmen­t.

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