Orlando Sentinel

Conservati­ves targeting IVF, but women deserve a choice

- By Michael Frerichs Michael Frerichs is the Illinois treasurer.

The new battlefiel­d over abortion rights centers on the use of in vitro fertilizat­ion. It’s a battle that is highly personal for me and my wife, Erica.

Last summer we became the parents of twin sons, Max and Theo. For this blessed event to happen, we needed reproducti­ve health care.

Erica has endometrio­sis, a condition that makes it difficult to conceive a child naturally. It affects an estimated 11% of women in our country, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. In vitro fertilizat­ion made it possible for Erica to conceive and for us to start a family.

Now Alabama, Florida and Missouri want to take away a woman’s right to use IVF to have a child, emboldened by the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2022 Dobbs decision that took away the federal right to abortion.

After the Supreme Court overturned Roe, the “personhood” debate took center stage, with Republican­s attempting to define a fertilized egg or embryo as a legal human entity. During IVF a doctor collects eggs from a woman, sperm is used to fertilize the eggs outside the body, and one fertilized egg is implanted at a time.

For Erica, a doctor collected eggs during four rounds. Five days after fertilizat­ion we had four embryos. After testing, only one of them was viable.

“Personhood” laws would consider the unviable collection­s of cells people, and doctors or their patients would be considered to have committed a crime by disposing of them.

Such laws could have widespread impact. About 1 in 5 women in the U.S. with no prior births have fertility challenges.

In Alabama the state Supreme Court last week ruled that frozen embryos are children and have the same legal rights as other “unborn children.” Justice Greg Cook, who offered a dissenting opinion, wrote that the decision “almost certainly ends” IVF in Alabama.

In Florida two Republican lawmakers are pushing a bill that would allow parents to recover lawsuit damages for the wrongful death of a fetus or unborn child. The idea is to scare off doctors from providing abortion care and fertility treatments. Lawmakers there already passed a bill to make abortion virtually illegal.

“As a woman who had to utilize assisted reproducti­ve technology to have my children, it is frightenin­g for me that there’s a piece of legislatio­n moving through the process that would basically make it untenable to utilize this type of medicine to achieve creating a family,” Florida Senate Democratic Leader Lauren Book told HuffPost.

“It’s really, really scary.” In Missouri ultraconse­rvative lawmakers are trying to pass another personhood law, one requiring judges to decide embryo custody disputes by ruling in favor of the person most likely to create a child from the embryos. Medical organizati­ons say that personhood laws could criminaliz­e some contracept­ives and restrict infertilit­y treatments.

Critics say the Missouri measure would cause people to hesitate before creating embryos.

Fortunatel­y, Erica and I live in Illinois. Although rightwing groups here want to ban IVF, last year our governor and state lawmakers enacted a law protecting people’s decisions to use IVF to have children.

This year state Sen. Natalie Toro, of Chicago, is sponsoring a bill that would require Illinois-regulated insurance companies to provide coverage for standard fertility preservati­on services, including IVF.

“Many women, including myself and those close to me, experience profound anxiety about running out of time to start a family and facing barriers to preserving their fertility,” Toro said.

“Requiring insurers to cover expenses for standard fertility preservati­on for all, not just those diagnosed with infertilit­y, will give people the security to explore their options about having a family without facing emotional and financial stress.”

At the federal level Illinois U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth is fighting to make it a legal right for patients to access IVF, continue treatments and retain authority over how sperm or egg cells are used during such treatments.

Such legislatio­n is critical, given that new U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson supports banning IVF. He is a co-sponsor of the Life at Conception Act, a nationwide abortion ban that also would affect embryos created for IVF.

For Erica, the IVF process took several years and was physically and mentally challengin­g. Erica gave birth in June, and Theo fought for his life for nearly two months in the neonatal intensive care unit.

We are relieved that we live in a state that gives women reproducti­ve freedom. Government should not deny women the medical help they need.

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