Orlando Sentinel

Ticked off! @The Canopy Project


The Canopy Project is to make a green gardenesqu­e utopia essentiall­y underneath the I-4 overpass. Are you serious? This area is already a haven for the homeless to sleep, defecate, urinate, and overdose, et al. All this project will do is make it an even more comfy place for them to do it and invite even more of it. It will be overrun inside of a month and anyone who does not believe that is living in a fantasy land of denial. And as we have already seen, the City’s politician­s will handcuff OPD from taking any proactive patrol to prevent it. Nice work.

I’m ticked off at greed! Back in the 1960s products lasted three decades, not three years. The beach, springs and TV was free. Now you pay through the nose! All sports and the music were better. Super

Bowl admission in 1967 was $12. Today, you cannot buy a beer at an event for $12! And everyone today, (except me) cannot live without their $1,000 cell-phone! Good riddance future world!

I am ticked off that so many popular foods in the USA, contain high fructose corn syrup! I love Campbell’s tomato soup and Ritz Crackers, but I cannot eat them because they contain high fructose Ccrn syrup! Why is it just across the border in Canada the same products do not contain that poison that causes cancer, heart disease, diabetes, insomnia, inflammati­on and more? Why does our FDA fail to protect Americans as other countries are? Makes me wonder if the FDA is taking kickbacks from big pharma which benefits from sick Americans!

Why did they ever name the TV show “America’s Got Talent” when most of the contestant­s are from other countries? Many from countries we never hear of and some that actually need interprete­rs. Just call it what it is … a total sham.

The flip side

I would like to thank all the people with pink tabebuias blooming in their yards. The colors were especially vivid last Saturday in the rain and gloom.

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