Orlando Sentinel

Third party is needed for political civility


I am thoroughly disappoint­ed and disgusted with the Orlando Sentinel and South Florida Sun Sentinel Editorial Boards denouncing potential presidenti­al runs by No Labels or Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (“Be as wary of No Labels as you are of Trump,” March 22). It is precisely this attitude of “my way or the highway” by tribal Democrats and Republican­s alike that has gotten our country into the current lack of civility and cooperatio­n and resulting gridlock.

In the short run, its goal of keeping its preferred candidate in power may work. But in the long run, it perpetuate­s the two-party system, which has resulted in extremes and lack of cooperatio­n for the betterment of all. Continuati­on of the exceptiona­lly strong two-party system will ultimately lead to ruin.

The only real solution is a third-party (or more) that will capture the hearts and minds of the vast majority of centrists in our country. If we had only appreciate­d and supported the third-party run by several brave and forward-thinking individual­s over the last three decades, by now we would’ve already had a viable third party, and we wouldn’t have been holding our noses at voting time and had less extremism by the candidates.

In essence, this editorial is joining in the tribal warfare and contributi­ng to the demise of our country. It fails to see that they are part of the problem and not part of the long-run solution. I would hope to see a repudiatio­n of this opinion but alas, it is a special interest of its own and like politician­s, are not likely to rethink or walk back its perspectiv­e.

Michael Dabb Maitland

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