Oroville Mercury-Register

Question: Is my yard ready to plant yet?

- By Laura Lukes and Eve Werner

Our conclusion to this series on Garden Design Basics leads you through the final steps needed to create your new landscape. Eager as you may be to get your plants into the ground, this ultimate preparatio­n phase is as important as all of the others. To save time and money, we recommend that the last thing you do is go shopping for plants!

Timing: The time of year you plant affects plant success. Most natives, in fact most plants in general, thrive best when planted in our cool seasons, fall through early spring. Milder temperatur­es and (fingers crossed) rain, allow them to establish sturdy root systems that will help them tolerate the summer heat. Plants that are completely cold-hardy in our area can be planted at any time during our cool seasons. For plants that are marginally hardy, install in early fall as very cold temperatur­es may stress these new plants. (Bulbs, in particular iris, are an exception to the cool-season planting rule, as they do best when divided and replanted in late July or early August.)


Before digging any holes for plants, complete the installati­on of your infrastruc­ture, including all hardscape, irrigation lines, and drainage facilities. Build berms, install focal point(s), pour concrete, place landscape rocks; all of this comes before the

living elements are added. Planting beds can be outlined with rocks at the same time as planting, if the rocks are relatively small and placing them will not disturb the plants.

Irrigation: Before planting is also the ideal time to test your newly installed or revamped irrigation system: make sure that flow and volume are correct, and that emitters for hydrozones (if included in your design) are properly sized. Resources for learning more about drip irrigation include the Butte County Master Gardener website ( http://ucanr.edu/sites/ bcmg/).

Soil preparatio­n

Critical to plant survival and success is the health of your soil. We touched on soil structure and type briefly in Part One of this series. (The ideal soil ratio is 25% air, 25% water, 5% organic matter, and 45% mineral matter.) Now it is time to consider soil tilth, which means the physical condition of the soil, especially in relation to its suitabilit­y for growing plants. In its ideal healthiest state, soil is alive with millions of organisms per teaspoon. Within that teaspoon live 100 million to 1 billion bacteria, several yards of fungal filaments, several thousand protozoa, and from ten to several hundred nematodes. Our job as gardeners is to ensure that the inhabitant­s of the soil food web are fed and cared for. Their needs are the same as those of any living being: air, food, water, and protection from abuse.


Compaction is the bane of healthy soil. It reduces space for air and water movement and creates anaerobic conditions (which in turn attract

and feed detrimenta­l bacteria, fungi, and protozoa). Try to protect your soil from heavy foot traffic and heavy equipment during hardscape installati­on. Lay down wide boards to distribute the weight more evenly in areas that experience a lot of foot and wheelbarro­w traffic. Keep heavy equipment use to a minimal, restricted area if possible.


Organic compost and mulch provide nutrients to soil. Nutrients from organic mulches are leached into the soil through rains and irrigation, while organic composts are manually incorporat­ed into the soil itself. Composted organic materials improve air and water movement, improve soil structure, reduce surface crusting and soil erosion, and increase water absorption and infiltrati­on. Organic mulches reduce soil erosion, reduce annual weeds, and reduce evaporatio­n and runoff. Good examples of organic mulches include leaves and the various sizes of wood chips.


The texture of soil directly affects its ability to hold or shed water. Soils with a high proportion of clay drain poorly, creating waterlogge­d environmen­ts low in oxygen. This is hard on the roots of most plants and on the organisms which thrive in healthy soil. Soils that are too sandy allow water to leach nutrients below the root zone and have a low water holding capacity, allowing moisture stress to occur more quickly. Amending either soil type with compost can help: adding compost to clay soil increases aeration and water infiltrati­on; adding compost to sandy soil increases its water and nutrient holding capacity.

Protection from abuse

Compaction is not the only form of soil misuse.

Erosion is a culprit as well: overwateri­ng bare soil can cause runoff and reduce the nutrients in the soil. Applying mulches and/ or incorporat­ing groundcove­r plants can protect soil from eroding on a slope. Create mini-berms around plants on slopes, and add terraces to steep yards during the hardscape phase of garden preparatio­n. Neglect is another form of abuse! Check plants on a regular basis to catch pest infestatio­ns or signs of stress. Irrigation systems need regular check-ups too, as small rodents and problems with water pressure can wreak havoc on water lines and emitters.

Weed control

After hardscape installati­on and before planting, consider sheet mulching, an effective and longlastin­g method to control weeds, particular­ly in a new landscape. Details are available here: http://ucanr.edu/sites/bcmg/Blog/ (enter sheet mulching as your search term). In sheet mulching, layers of newspaper and/or cardboard are covered with a thick layer of shredded or chipped bark, suffocatin­g even the most persistent weeds. Plant holes are then dug into the covered area per your garden design. In general, applying mulch at a recommende­d depth of four to six inches will help control weeds. Hand pulling weeds, early and often before they seed, will save you time and grief down the road.

Now you can go shopping. Happy Gardening!

This series of Real Dirt articles summarizes the presentati­on Butte County Master Gardener Eve Werner created for the Butte County Master Gardeners Spring 2017 Workshop Series. Please watch our website for our Fall 2017 Workshop Series. The UC Master Gardeners of Butte

County are part of the University of California Cooperativ­e Extension (UCCE) system, serving our community in a variety of ways, including 4H, farm advisors, and nutrition and physical activity programs. Master Gardeners bring practical, scientific­ally-based knowledge directly to our community. For help with gardening in our area, visit https://ucanr.edu/

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 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTOS ?? Hardscape is completed and the new plants are in place, making for a happy home.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTOS Hardscape is completed and the new plants are in place, making for a happy home.
 ??  ?? Hardscape needs to be the first part of the project.
Hardscape needs to be the first part of the project.
 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? After hardscape, the new plants are put into place.
CONTRIBUTE­D After hardscape, the new plants are put into place.

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