Oroville Mercury-Register


w/Salad Fixins from Nancy Good



Big chunk or more of fish, depending on how many are eating. Best is Salmon, cooked.

After saving a big chunk of your Salmon (Trout or Talapia - no tuna) from your dinner the night before (or cook it in the morning, or use canned), crumble it up on a dish.

Egg - 1 for each serving. Use only 1 egg or you›ll end up with a frisbee too big to flip.

In a bowl break that egg and whip it good.

Cheese - Best is shredded Sharp and Mozzarella together but use your fav.

Throw enough cheese into the egg bowl to make it thick. Then throw in the fish.

Tumeric - 1 Tbs.

Garlic salt - 1 tsp.

Pepper - 2 tsps

Mix all those in the egg mix and pour onto a medium heated pan making a round pancake shape. It will be thick like pancake batter.

While the egg mix is frying up grab a plate(s) and grab your favorite diced up salad mix, the kind you get in a kit with the dressing included. It should have kale, cabbage(s), lettuces, carrots at least but choose your favorite.Or, you can make a lot of work for yourself and cut all your favorites yourself. Anyway, cover the plate with your salad and either use the dressing from your salad bag or whatever dressing you like and squirt that all over the salad.

Now it›s time to flip that pancake when it›s a beautiful golden brown.

Pour yourself some coffee or juice then put that pancake right on top of the salad.

Cut up an Avacado if you have one and put 1/2 on the pancake. Squirt some more dressing on it and add a dollop of Daisy if you have it.

Sit back and relax knowing you›ve got your veggies, your protein and your avacado all in one meal. Enjoy!!! It will be crunchy and flavorful (if you made it right)!

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