Oroville Mercury-Register

LaMalfa’s long record of letting us down


Republican Doug LaMalfa. “He’s one of us,” he says. But what has he actually done for us?

Two thirds of us are women and children. In the last two years, on a dozen bills crucial to this majority of us — he voted against all of them — the Equal Rights Amendment, Women’s Health Protection Act, Access to Contracept­ion and Abortion, Right to Sue for Sexual Assault, Preventing Violence Against Women, Protecting Our Kids (from gun violence) and Child Nutrition Programs.

And, man, woman or child, how many of us received a $1.6 million farm subsidy? LaMalfa did. Of the 1,900 Butte farms, fewer than 300 farmers own all the best farm and pasture land. Millionair­e LaMalfa is one of them.

LaMalfa says: “Water! Jobs! liberty!” Lakes Shasta and Oroville are lower than they’ve ever been. So are many ag wells. Climate scientists predicted this kind of megadrough­t decades ago. LaMalfa has voted against every piece of legislatio­n intended to reduce climate change impacts.

Jobs? He voted against Biden’s infrastruc­ture bills that create or save 15 million good-paying, blue-collar jobs.

Liberty? Voting for government control over women’s bodies is voting against liberty. So is voting to overturn election results. He did both.

Democrat, Sgt. Max Steiner, spent four years risking his life in Iraq to defend liberty. He supports a woman’s right to choose. And, unlike LaMalfa, he’s running for Congress to protect and defend our Constituti­on and our elections rather than to protect and defend Donald Trump.

— Richard Seyman, Durham

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