Oroville Mercury-Register

One ‘fringe’ is more dangerous than other


Both the Editor’s Notes and guest commentary in the E-R’s Sunday October 30 issue dealt with this NBC News poll finding: “81% of Democrats say the Republican Party will destroy America, and 79% of Republican­s say the same of the Democratic Party.” The title of the guest commentary by Douglas Schoen was “The two-way dangers of extremism.” In his commentary, Schoen pointed out the ‘false equivalenc­e’ of those percentage­s.

Here are some poll results and numbers over the course of Biden’s first year in office that demonstrat­ed the extent to which the extreme wing of the Republican Party has “infiltrate­d its mainstream” (i.e., these are not just ‘fringe’ players): 33% backed the Jan. 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol; 51% don’t support the work (and therefore, findings) of the January 6th panel; 61-70% didn’t see Biden as the legitimate winner of the 2020 Presidenti­al election; 66% believed “the election was rigged and stolen from Trump”; 30-40% believed that violence might be warranted if their party doesn’t gain the election results they expect; and after the January 6th storming of the U.S. Capitol (which was the first time the Capitol had been breached since the War of 1812), 139 Republican representa­tives (including Doug LaMalfa) and eight Republican senators still insisted on trying to officially de-certify the results of the 2020 presidenti­al election.

The ‘Squad,’ Bernie Sanders, and other true ‘fringe’ members of the Democratic Party are small potatoes when compared to the pervasive extreme wing of the Republican Party.

— Mark S. Gailey, Chico

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