Oroville Mercury-Register

Another example of distorted Ukraine news


The recent Associated Press article in the E-R (11/4, A-10) about Bucha, Ukraine, had all the distortion­s and deceit the US media’s become known for in its coverage of Washington DC’s quest to bring Russia to its knees.

This particular AP article is especially disorienti­ng because it doesn’t write of the known, April 4 reportage of Russian soldiers “massacring” Bucha residents. It writes of a completely unknown, March 4 Bucha “massacre” about to be shown in a Frontline PBS documentar­y. The informatio­n behind this AP article and the

PBS documentar­y is supposedly backed by “thousands of hours of material” provided by surveillan­ce corporatio­ns — tied to the CIA and Pentagon (from Veterans Today).

I detect “deceit” in this AP article because “thousands of hours of surveillan­ce material” and informatio­n taken from soldiers’ smart phones have already been determined to be problemati­c evidence by Amnesty Internatio­nal, Human Rights Watch, UN and OSCE fact-finding committees. Videos of “Russian” soldiers shooting Ukrainian prisoners in the knees, for example, were actually of Ukrainians shooting Russian prisoners in the knees. To use questionab­le surveillan­ce material now as evidence to validate this latest AP newspaper article and PBS documentar­y on an unknown March 4 ‘massacre’ in Bucha, Ukraine, will confuse the American public beyond any chance of ever understand­ing the need for a ceasefire to this insane Ukraine War that’s leading the world into possible nuclear annihilati­on.

— Linda Furr, Chico

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