Oroville Mercury-Register

Trying everything to slow population growth


In spite of America’s attempts to control the world’s population, it’s recently hit eight billion, an environmen­talist’s worst nightmare.

We thought abortion would help. It eliminated a few million, but the population still kept increasing.

Erasing our southern border to facilitate the importatio­n of fentanyl is about equal to one of our traditiona­l third world invasions, but that’s only a few thousand lives per year.

Scientists like Fauci have made a good faith effort with experiment­ation of deadly viruses. Covid is helping, but again, it’s only a few million fewer lives.

Election contributi­ons from the ultra rich have purchased quite a few local politician­s anxious to allow violent criminals freedom of the streets, but that’s giving us only a few hundred murders a month.

It was an imaginativ­e idea to undo the traditiona­l family and manipulate sexual disorienta­tion into a major reinventio­n of various genders that won’t reproduce. We can only guess how many children won’t be born as a result. Every little bit helps

Outlawing fossil fuels will starve and/or freeze a few more.

Trying to provoke a war with Russia, a country with enough nukes to bring on another ice age might do it. If Putin doesn’t bite, there’s still China and

Iran, though it’s not likely we’ll start anything with China, given the close relationsh­ip between our president and the Chinese military.

Our New World Order mastermind­s need to rethink how to streamline depopulati­on.

Maybe they could try starting a shooting war with the UFOs

— Jack McWherter, Cherokee

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