Oroville Mercury-Register

Rising from dead: ‘Taxation without representa­tion’


“No taxation without representa­tion!” This refrain was shouted in Continenta­l legislativ­e sessions, printed in Patriot newspapers, and shouted from the streets during at-times riotous protests against the tyranny being imposed on Americans by the English Crown.

Today, we have representa­tives in name only, serving only their own purposes and working towards things that are not only not in our interest, but are entirely harmful thereto. We send “representa­tives” to Washington, and they vote for more taxes, more spending, more funding for their friends and the special interests that bankrolled their campaigns. They pass more laws restrictin­g our freedoms and asserting Federal dominance over our state and local government­s. They dig deeper into our pockets to fill their own. We can email them, we can write letters, but what consequenc­e is there for them if they don’t uphold their oaths? None. They are shielded from consequenc­e by their position because we have accepted that they must know better how to run our lives than we know ourselves. I do not accept this.

American politics is broken. To have a representa­tive in name only, who doesn’t actually represent or even try to represent your interests, is to have no representa­tion at all. And the more Congress hands their legitimate authority over to unelected, bureaucrat­ic executive agencies, giving them the power to tax, make and enforce law, and adjudicate infraction­s of their unaccounta­ble ordinances, the more “taxation without representa­tion” rises from the dead and threatens American liberty today.

No taxation without representa­tion! — Tim Lynch, Chico

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