Oroville Mercury-Register

Highlights, lowlights from the week’s news


HIT >> Perhaps the greatest lesson young people can learn from sports is this — Life isn’t always fair. It’s what you do afterward, and how you handle adversity, that really matters.

That’s why, in a week that saw several Butte County teams take big steps toward possible state championsh­ips, we’re recognizin­g a team that fell just short.

It would have been completely understand­able for Pleasant Valley coach Tim Keating and his players to blame an official following the Vikings’ 55-53 loss to Whitney in the CIF Division III opening round playoffs. After all, the game ended with a blown call — video and photograph­ic evidence clearly showed Whitney’s Derek Lamb still had the ball in his hands when the shot clock hit zero, and it wasn’t even close. Yet, officials counted his basket, which gave Whitney the winning margin at the very end.

But “the blame game” is not the way Keating — who already has two state championsh­ips on his coaching resume — operates. Instead of mentioning the missed call, Keating said the Vikings had missed plenty of opportunit­ies themselves, and it was their own fault for allowing the game to be put in the officials’ hands at the end.

“I’m just proud of the guys. They came together, battled through a lot of adversity this year,” Keating said. “To win a league and section title this year is awesome for these guys.”

It’s such a far cry from the poor sportsmans­hip we see too often these days, including a brawl late in a boys Division I playoff game in San Francisco. The Vikings should hold their heads highly for a great season — and especially for going out with class.

Meanwhile, Pleasant Valley’s girls basketball team, Chico’s boys and Butte College’s women are each continuing postseason play tonight, along with Gridley’s boys soccer team. Here’s wishing them all the best.

MISS >> The theft of public money is always a serious issue. It somehow feels even worse when the theft is taking place at a public university.

Former Chico State professor and department chairman Timothy Kizirian and department secretary Ronda McGrath entered a plea of no contest Wednesday to a scheme involving grand theft.

According to a press release issued Wednesday by Butte County District Attorney Mike Ramsey, Kizirian, who worked in the accounting department, and McGrath submitted fake expenses that contained duplicate compensati­ons along with gift card purchases, fraudulent mileage claims and falsified personal and travel expenses. Ramsey said the investigat­ion turned up $1.12 million that was spent by making these claims.

That’s $1.2 million from a university that’s trying to find ways to save money in the midst of a one-third drop in enrollment the past six years.

The chutzpah and sense of entitlemen­t from people committing such crimes is incredible. We’re glad these people got caught, and can’t help but wonder how many others continue to get away with it.

HIT >> We’ve been saying for years that California’s homeless crisis is not going to change in any meaningful way until the state increases its effort to provide more care for people on our streets who obviously have mental health problems. This week, we have an actual bipartisan effort under way to do just that.

State Senator Susan Talamantes Eggman (D-Stockton), the Big City Mayors coalition, NAMI California, the California State Associatio­n of Psychiatri­sts, and the Psychiatri­c Physicians’ Alliance of California announced legislatio­n to overhaul the state’s behavioral health care system. Senate Bill 43 seeks to reform California’s LPS conservato­rship law by updating the criteria for determinin­g if a person is “gravely disabled,” the standard for LPS conservato­rship eligibilit­y.

The bill would also establish a real-time, internet-based dashboard about the availabili­ty of beds in a range of psychiatri­c and substance abuse facilities.

It’s similar to AB 2020 introduced last year by Assemblyma­n James Gallagher (R-Yuba City), who supports this latest effort. San Francisco Mayor London Breed is also on board.

“We cannot continue to let those with serious mental health and substance abuse disorders suffer and deteriorat­e on our streets. This is not just a housing issue; it is a public health crisis that demands action,” said Gallagher, the Assembly Republican Leader. “We cannot simply throw billions of dollars at the issue and pat ourselves on the back for a job well done. We need policy changes.”

We agree. And with a few more “Ds” after the names of the sponsors of this bill, maybe it’ll actually go somewhere.

MISS >> It’s tough to imagine a summer without Highway 70 open through Plumas County, but it’s looking like a real possibilit­y. A series of rockslides and mudslides over the winter has left months of cleanup work ahead, with 80,000 cubic yards of material coming down between Belden and Twain this week alone.

Just another reminder that when we’re blessed with an abundance of precipitat­ion (finally) after a series of dry winters, there always seems to be an extra price to pay.

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