
Star Codes

- Heather Roan Robbins www.roanrobbin­

This week of March roars in like a lamb and out like a lion. Mars conjuncts Uranus and squares Pluto next Wednesday. In the time leading up to that, we experience the energy surging and churning. We feel the blustering winds through the streets and in our hearts, and hear the bluster in the politics.

This Mars-Uranus conjunctio­n can produce a potent combustion engine that takes us far — if we know where we want to go and how we want to get there. Our tempers and enthusiasm can be like flash paper, with the Mars and Uranus conjunct in sparky Aries. For most of us, this little spark of fire is out before the paper hits the floor. But if there is other combustibl­e material nearby, it can all go up in smoke.

This enthusiasm can ignite a new idea or shine a light on what we really need to do. But it can also inflame an already combustibl­e situation. Be careful around explosive situations and handle machinery and chemistry with safety in mind. Resolve to use this energy for short- and long-term goals.

The weekend begins with interestin­g pleasant aspects under the friendly moon in Libra and as the sun conjuncts Chiron. Look for new informatio­n that changes the mind — or a shift in perspectiv­e over the weekend.

A moody and competitiv­e but productive beginning of the week calls us to use our competence carefully. Watch mood swings and pay attention to what is unearthed. Midweek is frustratin­g but full of potential — if tension starts to knot around you, back off, let it flow, and know that if you really need to say something, you can say it tomorrow.

Friday, March 6: Tend to loose ends. The day meanders and people can be a little cranky, but take advantage of a temporary island of practicali­ty. In the late afternoon, a former irritant or ambition can haunt us. Tonight, we need to tell our stories and make connection­s. Saturday, March 7: On this generally sociable day, we remember what didn’t work in the past, but can risk and explore different paths as the sun conjuncts Chiron. We’re looking for new clothes, habits, mind-sets, politics, and maybe a new dance partner. Sunday, March 8 : Dreams may leave us distracted this morning, and therefore out of sync socially, as the moon opposes Venus. Conversati­on picks up by midday, and we can feel more connected and engaged as the moon trines Mercury tonight. Monday March 9: Watch a defensive, difficult inner dialogue as the moon enters Scorpio and trines Neptune. Small talk backfires, but real dialogue helps. Tuesday, March 10: Muscular accomplish­ment and competitio­n take place this morning as Mars trines Jupiter. Sabers rattle in the distance, but we can choose to be productive­ly assertive. We may feel unusually hungry midday, and then engage in a healing conversati­on tonight as the moon trines the sun. Speak to emotions — it’s not a logical time. Wednesday March 11: Expect accelerate­d activity and problem-solving brilliance, along with the need for them. We may want to cut one thing out to have room for another. Relationsh­ip chemistry sparks in the best and worst of ways. Be safe — walk away from arguments. Feel the tension release as the moon enters Sagittariu­s tonight. Thursday, March 12: We ponder our responsibi­lities and dreams and try to understand what we really need to do next. If possible, laugh over recent difficulti­es — find ways to forgive and talk through touchy material. Mercury enters Pisces tonight, and we need to catch up with our emotional processing.

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