
Star Codes

- Heather Roan Robbins

THIS WEEK’S MOOD can be generally upbeat and enthusiast­ic as mental Mercury conjuncts expansive Jupiter in Virgo. Work projects begin to shift and move forward, though we may wrestle over who has authority. The sun trines Uranus, an aspect that can act like a cosmic clutch and help us shift gears, bringing positive changes.

But in an undercurre­nt during this otherwise-pleasant week, we can feel hurt by a person or event that happens to tap-dance on an old psychic scar. Whether we run into a difficult relative or hit a challengin­g situation, we may be forced out of our comfort zone and required to grow in ways we’d not otherwise choose. If we feel triggered, it’s important to remember that we’re not back among those old memories: We’re right here in the present moment. If we can face the situation with strength and courage, we can reset that pattern and reclaim a breath of personal power.

Friday and Saturday, the moon travels through cheerful Sagittariu­s, keeping the mood upbeat and restless even as our deeper work is activated. Our romantic life and artistic career is complicate­d as creative Venus first forms a challengin­g square to serious Saturn on Saturday and then opposes confusing Neptune on Sunday. Our natural flow of affection may feel tested, chores can cramp our love life, or visiting relatives can get in the way of our creative endeavors. Time outdoors can do us wonders now.

A Capricorn moon Sunday and Monday can bring determinat­ion — or depression, if we don’t have a place to put our tenacity. Find purpose. Midweek is wildly sociable under a full moon in community-oriented Aquarius — one of the great gathering times of year — but we may feel extra emotional as the moon heads into Pisces on Thursday.

FRIDAY, AUG. 12: Serious, fair, and pointed conversati­on helps start a process or a journey as an upbeat, restless Sagittariu­s moon conjuncts Mars. The mood slows down midday, and we may feel unusually tender and need to process. We’ll need supportive and low-maintenanc­e companions tonight.

SATURDAY, AUG. 13: Deal with responsibi­lities but make it fun as Venus squares Saturn. Work on fundamenta­l questions about personal authority that murmur in the background of an otherwise upbeat day. Do the right thing and affection returns.

SUNDAY, AUG. 14: Our brains and heart may need to slip out of gear and putter in neutral as Venus opposes Neptune, but an industriou­s Capricorn moon nags us to work. A lazy streak can breed misunderst­andings. Let the imaginatio­n wander; sketch out ideas about the future, but keep it simple and in present time.

MONDAY, AUG. 15: Morning can leave us feeling grim or painfully aware of our failings as a moon-Pluto conjunctio­n in Capricorn whispers to us about all the work that needs to be done. Just keep working; progress helps good spirits return tonight.

TUESDAY, AUG. 16: What changes can we make today? The sun trines change-inducing Uranus as the moon enters forward-thinking Aquarius. Afternoon brings more industriou­s competence; brainstorm and explore possibilit­ies this morning.

WEDNESDAY, AUG. 17: It’s a great day to meet, celebrate, or show off; community flourishes when we all express our potential. Competitio­n isn’t the point: Gather for a cause or pursue the heart’s calling.

THURSDAY, AUG. 18: Minds cook and thoughts gather early this morning on the community-oriented Aquarius full moon. Sentimenta­lity, sensitivit­y, and free-floating emotions swirl as the moon enters Pisces tonight. It may be hard to do ordinary, boring things; we want to be part of larger events.

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