
Star Codes

- Heather Roan Robbins

LET’S MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUN SHINES. Feel the momentum build this week after a month of Piscean complexity. With Mercury and Venus now in brash Aries, impulse control may be lower and our responses more direct and action-oriented, but we don’t have to become simplistic.

We will want something to dig into and really chew upon as mental Mercury squares serious Saturn, lending us a tough-mindedness and an ability to obsess. Many scientists have this combinatio­n in their natal chart, and it will help to give our minds something to learn or resolve. If we don’t, we may start worrying over our problems. This mental toughness is activated by a muscular trine from energetic Mars to electrical Uranus, an inventive, experiment­al aspect that can make it a little hard to sleep this weekend, though it helps us search for new answers. Together, these can inspire us to put serious thought into issues that are very important to us.

So, let’s make this a working weekend and put that vitality to good use. Midweek, we have to balance our independen­t approach with teamwork as the moon enters sociable Aquarius. Our love lives and creative work may feel cramped by our responsibi­lities as Venus squares Saturn. However, a new door opens for exciting work contacts and intriguing ideas as the sun trines expansive Jupiter. Our personalit­ies may expand, and we may need to rein in those people who like to dominate conversati­ons, but we can do it with humor rather than unnecessar­y confrontat­ion. Look after feelings and health on Thursday and Friday as the moon heads into sensitive Pisces — and get ready for another active weekend ahead.

FRIDAY, MARCH 9: Last-minute plans can jeopardize our schedules, but we will feel cheerfully impatient as long as we’re making progress. Deadlines loom suddenly around dinnertime — finalize plans and get out of Dodge as the active Sagittariu­s moon conjuncts decisive Mars. Tonight, the mood can fizz like a can of freshly opened soda.

SATURDAY, MARCH 10: Our minds want something to dig into; we will obsess over our problems unless we have something exciting to learn or solve. Don’t get grim, get smart, as mental Mercury squares serious Saturn under an industriou­s Capricorn moon. Arguing, though tempting, will not help matters.

SUNDAY, MARCH 11: We may feel restless and ready to roll as Mars trines Uranus. We have access to unusual mechanical ingenuity and may need to use it; unexpected events ask us to think fast and engage our resources. Tonight, don’t believe depressive thoughts, but do notice what the soul takes seriously. MONDAY, MARCH 12: Be ready to take action on new ideas. Because everyone comes to the breakfast table or office with different freshly churned priorities, check in and respect the differing agendas. Tonight, our attention is brought to global politics and the bigger picture as the moon enters Aquarius. TUESDAY, MARCH 13: Strangers may be easier to talk to than loved ones, and new ideas make more sense than old ones as Venus squares Saturn. Relationsh­ips need respect and attention. Horizons widen, but let’s be gentle with whom and what we already have on our side. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14: Political difference­s and personal tensions might be hotly debated as Jupiter semisquare­s Saturn. We’re easily distracted by the collective conversati­on, social media, or world events, so track carefully whatever needs to be completed. THURSDAY, MARCH 15: The moon enters sensitive Pisces and reminds us that it’s still winter, and we need some nourishing internal time. We may feel sensitive, but that does not make us more tactful. Let’s take care of ourselves and not take anything too personally.

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