
Star Codes

- Contact astrologer Heather Roan Robbins at roanrobbin­ Heather Roan Robbins

OVER THE LAST FEW WEEKS, Venus squared Mars, turned retrograde, and squared it again. In that time, most of us have felt a challenge that has stirred our emotions. Whether we’re reacting to recent political machinatio­ns or to a personal challenge, we know what we’re up against, and now it’s time to do something about it.

Our emotional ghosts are up and running with Venus retrograde in Scorpio, where she is not a happy camper. We can find ourselves obsessing over an ex or wondering why history is repeating itself, but let’s not believe that we’re caught in the past. It’s just time to work down to the next layer of healing.

There’s a lot we can do this week. Mercury is in Scorpio, a place of long memory and uneasy forgivenes­s. But this aspect provides the focus to do what needs to be done. Mercury conjuncts retrograde Venus and can lend a voice to all the things we typically associate with that planet: women, emotions, and our creative muses.

As the weekend begins, a Sagittariu­s moon encourages us to get out into the sunshine, dive into the heart of autumn, and renew our spirits. Find a new level of honesty under this outspoken moon; step out of polarized opinions and into a more holistic way of living.

The moon enters pragmatic Capricorn on Sunday and reminds us to get back to long-term plans. Venus conjuncts Mercury in Scorpio on Monday and sharpens our focus. Let people speak their feelings. We can work together more comfortabl­y and make progress on Wednesday and Thursday as the moon enters Aquarius.

FRIDAY, OCT. 12: Instead of worrying, use a sane and stabilizin­g MercurySat­urn sextile to get momentum going on productive action after an unsettling week. Start early, with doors open in the morning. Energy begins to flag in the afternoon. Get some serious R&R this weekend. Restlessne­ss gives us a taste of wanderlust.

SATURDAY, OCT. 13: Get outside this morning as the Sagittariu­s moon squares Neptune. Dogs and kids need playtime, and so do most adults. It’s good to let our world expand. Take time to read about faraway places, and absorb news we’ve ignored. Reflect upon personal issues from a different direction.

SUNDAY, OCT. 14: People need to share their truths this morning, but can get stuck in their opinions at midday as the moon enters Capricorn. This evening, our minds come back to our personal and profession­al work. We may want to move furniture or make some tangible difference.

MONDAY, OCT. 15: We have access to both determinat­ion and eloquence — but maybe not kindness — as Mercury conjuncts Venus in Scorpio. Feelings turn into actions supported by a Capricorn moon, so let’s watch what feelings we act upon.

TUESDAY, OCT. 16: A moon-Pluto conjunctio­n can leave us down, discourage­d, or determined. It may be hard to tap into the imaginatio­n until late in the afternoon as the moon sextiles Jupiter.

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17: Look around for support, for strange allies or people whose different perspectiv­es and experience­s can broaden possibilit­ies as the moon enters collaborat­ive Aquarius and squares Uranus. Intimate relationsh­ips may feel a bit off. Our view is on the larger picture, and it’s easy to miss clues close to home.

THURSDAY, OCT. 18: Watch a tendency to gloss over anger and let it become shadow material; it’s important for us to own our feelings. Find healthy ways to deal with ambition, desire, and anger as Mars semisquare­s Chiron. We need brave, forthright outspokenn­ess.

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