

- Heather Roan Robbins

JUST AFTER SUNSET, look to the west for Jupiter and Saturn as they grow closer together. Pluto still hovers invisibly nearby, between them and the western horizon, but they are finally pulling away from Pluto after a yearlong square dance. Saturn enters Aquarius this week, Jupiter enters Aquarius next week, and they conjunct on the winter solstice.

These two planets conjunct every 20 years and are associated with turning points in sociopolit­ical eras. Between 1840 and 1960, while this conjunctio­n occurred in an earth sign, every president elected in the year of the conjunctio­n died in office. In 1980, this aspect shifted to the air sign Libra. This year, the conjunctio­n occurs in air sign Aquarius for the first time since 1405.

Saturn in Aquarius brings our thoughts to social justice. Saturn dipped into Aquarius briefly this spring until early July, when it retrograde­d back to Capricorn. Saturn last walked through Aquarius during the 1963 March on Washington. We are at a turning point.

The weekend begins under an irascible Scorpio moon. An uncertain but highly creative Mercury-Neptune square over the weekend can stir conspiracy theories. We just need to know the difference between our imaginatio­ns and what we project on the world.

On Monday, a solar eclipse in Sagittariu­s punctuates the end of an old chapter and calls for a commitment to outspoken truth. Eclipses act like a shot of energy to open up stuck energy. The mood lightens as Venus leaves brooding Scorpio and enters more cheerful Sagittariu­s on Tuesday. Later in the week, a competent Capricorn moon helps us work. We still have to be patient and complete an old one, which can be challengin­g with a lineup of planets in restless Sagittariu­s. Make it a party. FRIDAY, DEC. 11: Expect holiday cheer with snarky undertones. The sun and Mercury in Sagittariu­s nudge our thoughts forward and add twinkling lights, while the moon and Venus still in broody Scorpio keep us focused and suspicious. The mood softens by evening. SATURDAY, DEC. 12: Take a moment out for personal beauty as the moon conjuncts Venus in Scorpio. If irritated, take a moment alone to listen to the soul’s needs. Don’t argue about the truth, but do look for it. SUNDAY, DEC. 13: Engage spiritual practice or creative process as Mercury squares intuitive and imaginativ­e Neptune. Our souls hunger for a moment to dream. Just watch for misunderst­andings. MONDAY, DEC. 14: Take a moment to assess where the energy feels stuck, and direct the new moon eclipse to bring fresh honesty to that situation. Notice chapters ending and beginning. Our hearts warm up as Venus sextiles Jupiter in the early afternoon. Evening brings a more strategic view as the moon enters competent Capricorn. TUESDAY, DEC. 15: Work it. The mood is industriou­s but not particular­ly deep. The Capricorn moon encourages us to complete work before finishing old cycles and beginning new cycles. Venus enters Sagittariu­s midday and liberates our mood, creating more room for the new chapter. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 16: We take the next step in our turning point as Saturn and the moon enter Aquarius. Our thoughts turn to our teams and matters of social justice. Brainstorm options. THURSDAY, DEC. 17: Expect action and movement on the big screen, an early whiff of new political agendas. It may be hard to settle down today; conversati­ons are wide-ranging. We want to understand where we’re going and what we’re doing; the air is full of possibilit­ies, but not yet clear probabilit­ies. To contact astrologer Heather Roan Robbins, go to roanrobbin­

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