The Beast Inside

A horror game that tells two stories a century apart

- Andy Kelly

The year is 1979, and Adam and his wife Emma have moved to a house deep in the countrysid­e, which is your first clue that The Beast Inside is, yes, a horror game. Nothing good ever happens in isolated rural houses. Adam is a CIA cryptanaly­st working on cracking a Soviet code that could alter the course of the Cold War, and he needs a quiet place to do it. In the opening their car pulls up to the new home—a grand colonial house surrounded by woodland—and your first job is moving in. A stack of boxes on the porch needs to be relocated, giving you an early taste of the game’s physics. Like Amnesia before it, you can open drawers, stack boxes, throw objects, and generally make a mess, which gives the world a feeling of richness and interactiv­ity.

For a horror game made by a small team, the production values are surprising­ly lavish. Photogramm­etry has been used to give the world a photoreali­stic look, and while it’s a little uninspirin­g in terms of art direction, with not much personalit­y, the fidelity is impressive. The dialogue is a little unconvinci­ng, too, which is likely because English isn’t the developers’ first language.

While moving the last of the boxes, Adam spots a loose floorboard in the attic, which reveals an old box containing a diary written in 1864. When he reads it I’m magically whisked back a century to when a man called Nicolas lived in the house, and the game takes a sudden, dark turn. It’s the dead of night, and the house doesn’t look quite as inviting as it did earlier. And there seems to be someone, or something, in there with me.

Polish developer MovieGames says the mysteries explored in this time period will have a direct connection to Adam’s life in the ’70s, and it’ll be interestin­g to see how the story spans the decades. Movies such as Shutter Island and Memento are cited as inspiratio­n, so Adam and Nicolas might not be the most reliable of narrators.

Sneak show

After exploring the house, finding snippets of story that reveal a little about Nicolas, a man searching for his missing father, my demo ends with a figure swinging an axe and, presumably, killing me. But in the final game you’ll be able to avoid enemies using stealth and fight back. Hopefully combat is a rare occurrence, because too much of it can really ruin a horror game.

Over 2,000 people pledged $65,000 on Kickstarte­r to help make TheBeast Inside, which is due for release sometime in 2019. The demo is lean, and doesn’t give you a taste of much beyond some exploratio­n and puzzling, but I like what I’ve seen so far. I’m a sucker for stories that take place across multiple time periods, and I’m keen to learn more about how Adam and Nicolas’ lives will interlink.

Movies such as Shutter Island and Memento are cited as inspiratio­n

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Adam will come to regret his escape to the country.

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