REINSTALL Andy picks up the trail of Noir. Discworld

A detective adventure with a fantasy twist.

- By Andy Kelly

Discworld is a series of fantasy novels by the late, great Terry Pratchett, famous for its slapstick humor and scathing social commentary. And at the heart of some of its best stories is Ankh-Morpork, a massive walled city rife with corruption, pollution, and social division. While the first two Discworld adventure games, starring hopeless wizard Rincewind, were colorful, lightheart­ed capers, Discworld Noir uses the rain-soaked streets of Ankh-Morpork as the backdrop for a shadowy crime thriller, taking stylistic cues from film noir and hard-boiled detective fiction. It’s a familiar detective story, but set in an irreverent fantasy world filled with trolls, ghouls and vampires. Our cynical, world-weary hero is Lewton, a former member of Ankh-Morpork’s famous City Watch turned private eye. A beautiful, mysterious woman, Carlotta, walks into his office one dark and stormy night and asks him to find her ex-lover: a man named Mundy. And like any good Chandleria­n mystery, this seemingly simple job quickly spirals into something much more complex and dangerous.

Like the Discworld novels, Noir is heaving with subtle (and not-sosubtle) pop culture references. Samael, a vampiric pianist in a smoky dive called Cafe Ankh, is an amusingly on-the-nose homage to noir classic Casablanca. Lewton even says, “Play it again, Samael.” I should have rolled my eyes at that point, but in the moment it was pretty funny. And when Lewton meets Count Überwald, a rich old man in a wheelchair hiding in a greenhouse, Philip Marlowe’s similar meeting with the reclusive General Sternwood in The Big Sleep comes to mind.


A lot of adventure games plunder film noir, whether it’s Grim Fandango (itself partly inspired by Casablanca) or corny FMV games such as The Dame Was Loaded. But, importantl­y, Discworld Noir never feels stifled by its reverence for the greats of the genre. It has enough personalit­y of its own—thanks mainly to the inherently unique, interestin­g Discworld setting—to feel like more than just a pastiche. And when Lewton gains the ability to turn into a werewolf in the third act, it becomes even more distinct. When did Bogie ever sprout fangs and fur?

Playing Discworld Noir for the first time, I’m surprised by the lack of

puzzles. Knowing it was a point-andclick adventure from the ’90s, I’d braced myself for combining absurd objects in increasing­ly contrived ways, but found myself mostly just talking to people. In this sense, it’s a truer detective game than most. As Lewton speaks to the citizens of Ankh-Morpork, a noirish trumpet drone indicates a clue being written down in his notebook. This then opens up further conversati­on options, creating a labyrinthi­ne trail of clues that eventually snakes towards… well, I won’t spoil it, but the story takes some interestin­g, and unexpected, turns.

It’s slow, though. At times painfully so. The dialogue is entertaini­ng, mostly funny, and the actors do a fine job. But there are so many conversati­ons that I would have actually appreciate­d a prepostero­us item puzzle, just to mix things up. And I often found myself at a dead end, unable to progress because I hadn’t talked to the right person at the right time about the right thing, leaving me wandering the streets of Ankh-Morpork, clicking on everything, trying desperatel­y to pick up the breadcrumb trail.

In the second act, a series of unfortunat­e events results in Lewton becoming the prime suspect in a spate of killings known as the Counterwei­ght Murders. Sam Vimes, head of the City Watch and a major character in the Discworld novels, fingers Lewton for the crime, and this causes a chain reaction of bad luck for the permanentl­y unlucky private dick. By the end of the game Lewton will have encountere­d a sinister cult, a talking dog, a magical sword, and other weirdness besides. It’s a wonderful mess of a story with a few great moments, but overall it gets a bit too complicate­d for its own good. Then again, that is a signature of the detective novels from the ’40s that inspired the game, so maybe it’s intentiona­l.


Terry Pratchett was involved in the creation of Discworld Noir, providing a story outline and editing the script—the meat of which was actually written by author Chris

Bateman. For the voice of Lewton and other characters including Nobby Nobbs, who Discworld fans will recognize, Welsh comedian Rob Brydon was hired. At the time Brydon hadn’t done much besides voice work, but has since made a name for himself in popular UK sitcom Gavin & Stacey, and with Steve Coogan in The Trip. The cast also includes Robert Llewellyn (perhaps best known for playing the robot Kryten in Red Dwarf ), Nigel Planer, and Kate Robbins.

Robbins, who plays every female character in Discworld Noir, recorded her parts in a day, while Brydon, according to Bateman, endured a “gruelling week” to complete his. But the result is a brilliantl­y acted game, with Brydon really throwing himself into Lewton’s comically overwrough­t monologues. “The troll stepped out of the shadows like light was too intimidate­d to illuminate him,” he says in the tough, clipped style of an old Hollywood movie detective. Later, “I like my whisky straight up, with a whisky chaser.” I also particular­ly enjoyed his rant to a former lover in a bar, where he laments, pathetical­ly: “You don’t know what it’s like to go into a restaurant and ask for a table for one.”


Compared to some other detective games, you don’t have to do much actual legwork in Discworld Noir. There’s no manually piecing clues together as in Frogwares’ brilliant Sherlock Holmes: Crimes & Punishment­s, no tense L. A. Noirestyle interrogat­ions. But as the clues pile up in your notebook, knowing which threads to pull makes you, very occasional­ly, feel like you’re doing some real detecting. There are a lot of characters in Ankh-Morpork, and a lot of conversati­on topics, which means it’s easy to venture down the wrong path and waste time chasing phantom leads.

However, Lewton’s aforementi­oned transforma­tion into a werewolf does mix things up. In this form he can literally sniff out clues, picking up scents—visualized as colors—that are associated with certain characters. This supernatur­al twist adds an extra layer of complexity to your investigat­ion, giving you more threads to yank and untangle. The werewolf stuff is also introduced fairly late into the game, which is a pretty bold design decision when you think about it. Most games would hinge entirely around a concept like this and not just throw it in towards the end.


The smell system is a little clumsy to use, though. All the scents you’ve picked up are stored in an inventory of sorts, and if you’ve identified the source of one their name will appear when you hover over it. Then when you encounter a scent during your investigat­ion, you can drag one out of your smell-ventory and see if they match. That might sound fine, but it’s clunky in execution—and it doesn’t help that the colors of some of the scents are almost identical to each other. But hey, I always appreciate a developer trying to do something fresh and imaginativ­e with the adventure genre.

Unfortunat­ely, running Discworld Noir on a modern PC can be an ordeal. I couldn’t get it to cooperate with Windows 10 at all, so had to install a Windows 95 virtual machine to play the thing. And because both developer Perfect Entertainm­ent and publisher GT Interactiv­e no longer exist, the chances of anyone getting hold of the source code and remasterin­g it are pretty slim. But, in a weird way, that’s all part of Discworld Noir’s legend. It’s always been hard to find and hard to run—something you have to work to play – and I like that in this age of instantly accessible entertainm­ent.

But is it worth the hassle? Honestly, I don’t think Discworld Noir is a classic. It looks ancient compared to Grim Fandango, which was released only a year earlier. The pace is languid, the story meandering, and there isn’t much to do besides sit and listen to people talk. It’s incredibly dark, which results in some frustratin­g pixel hunting as you try and find an interactio­n point amongst the gloom. But I still think it’s worth playing, if only for its atmosphere, which captures the downbeat, nihilistic feeling of a film noir better than most games. There are much better point-and-click adventures out there, but few that draw you into their setting quite so completely.

With the sad death of Terry Pratchett in 2015, the chances of there ever being another Discworld game are pretty much zero. So this makes Discworld Noir, and the two Rincewind adventures, even more special. But one of the brilliant things about this game in particular is that you don’t have to know a thing about Pratchett’s intricate universe, or have read any of the 41 novels, to play it. You might miss out on a few references, but for the most part it’s a standalone story. Now you’ll just have to decide whether it’s worth the bother of installing a virtual machine on your PC to play it.

you don’t have to do much actual legwork in DiscworldN­oir

 ??  ?? It all starts with a seeminglys­imple request.
It all starts with a seeminglys­imple request.
 ??  ?? Much of the game is prerendere­d.
Much of the game is prerendere­d.
 ??  ?? I’m sure he has a great personalit­y.
I’m sure he has a great personalit­y.
 ??  ?? Lewton has a great silhouette.
Lewton has a great silhouette.
 ??  ?? A bar is a good place to find a lead.
A bar is a good place to find a lead.
 ??  ?? It’s always raining in the city.
It’s always raining in the city.
 ??  ?? Lewton pays Carlotta a visit.
Lewton pays Carlotta a visit.
 ??  ?? No, this is not a pretty game.
No, this is not a pretty game.

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