Pea Ridge Times

Grace for our nation

- JIM DUNCAN Mountain Bible Church, Jacket, Mo.

As the vice president elect, Mike Pence, began his acceptance speech he said, “I want to thank God for his amazing grace.”

Indeed, God has shown His grace to our land for over 200 years. But in recent years there have been voices who have called for the silencing of the message of hope and grace, and the use of the name of God and His Son, Jesus Christ. Those voices appear to have received a setback. It is, however, not time to assume there is no more effort needed on our part. Now the work of prayer is just beginning.

Many of the news anchors mentioned the “historic” nature of this just completed election. President-elect Donald Trump said, in his acceptance speech, “To be really historic we must do a great job.”

And if God’s people are to see a truly historic turnaround in our government then God’s people must become dedicated to hourly prayer for our nation. Satan will not assume he is defeated. God’s people must not assume they have won. Our military needs their chaplains free to pray in Jesus’ name, our children need to be safe on the streets of our nation and in the public bathrooms, our unborn babies need to be safe from so-called family planning groups who are simply greedy for the wealth of our nation, and our pastors need to be free to preach that sin is sin, but that a loving Savior has paid the penalty for all sin, if each person will accept His death/resurrecti­on gift of salvation.

If the newly elected individual­s are to have the success in office our nation needs God’s people to be dedicated to prayer for wisdom in their decision making, to prayer for their dependency on Godly guidance, and for prayer that our nation will return to their roots of Biblical truth. Fervent prayer by dedicated people of God will ensure that God will provide His Grace for an “historic” return to “one Nation under God.”

••• Editor’s note: James Duncan is the pastor of Mountain Bible Church, Mountain, Mo. The views expressed are those of the author. He may be contacted at P.O. Box 146, Pea Ridge, AR 72751; or by telephone at 417-341-8504; by e-mail at His Web site is www.jamesdunca­

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