Pea Ridge Times

Students learn film-making


Students Ky Humphrey, Miranda Kelly and Dakota Donham excitedly shared their experience­s with a film making production class with the Pea Ridge School Board Monday night.

“They worked diligently,” educator Sue Stacey said, explaining that the students were involved in the week-long class.

“I liked meeting new people

and making friends,” Humphrey said.

Kelly, who also works with the High School audio-visual class, said she liked talking with other people who understand TV cameras and learned more about editing film. “It’s amazing the work that people do behind the scenes.”

Donham said it was fascinatin­g to see the cosmetolog­y and special affects that were part of film production.

Stacey said the students’ videos will be released later in Bentonvill­e.

Freshman Cassidy Mooneyhan was also recognized. She won first place in the varsity state meet, first place in varsity district and junior high district in pole vaulting.

“Cassidy is our first state champion,” Kevin Ramey, athletic director said.

In other business, board members:

• Created a new position for a Middle School SPED Teacher and a Primary School SPED para-pro;

• Hired Jennifer Castle, MS SPED teacher; Myra Davis, Middle School SPED teacher; Maxine Ogburn, pre-k aide; Amanda Bennett, MS science; Pamela Kuriatynk, Primary SPED parapro; Karla Thilemier, new director of teaching and learning; Janice Lantz, MS SPED aide; Dana Tabor, assistant High School principal/ curriculum & instructio­n; Amber Harrison, MS math teacher/JH cheer coach; Bryanna Jaramillo, Primary art teacher; and Lona Taylor, Primary music teacher;

• Transferre­d Paige Billis from Primary teacher to Intermedia­te teacher and Michelle Scholtes from Intermedia­te teacher to Primary teacher;

• Accepted resignatio­ns from Crosby Tuck, Lafe Caton and Donna Speed;

• Renewed contracts of James Ortiz as high school and Antronette Brown, teacher; and

• Did not renew James Ortiz, additional days and stipend.

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