Pea Ridge Times

Project stalled


Work is stalled on a new storage unit by RLP Developmen­t on West Pickens Road until the Arkansas Health Department approves the project.

The engineer for the project, Nate Batchelor, told planners no work can commence until the city gives approval. There were several changes to the original plan, including name, office location and drainage.

“We’re here today seeking your approval for remainder of earth work and buildings, independen­t of this review. We’re happy to work with the Health Department on any technical issues,”

Batchelor said. “We would like to have your permission to move forward with other issues on the project that are not related to the sanitary issue.”

Planner Al Fowler asked whether the city should approve something that doesn’t yet have state Health Department approval.

“Isn’t that getting the cart before the horse?” Fowler queried.

“Yes,” Mike Nida, city Water/Wastewater Department employee, said. “It’s the horse pushing the cart.”

Planners agreed to table approval pending State Health Department approval.

In other business, planners approved home occupation permits to:

• Cory Judd, 1197 Nemett Drive, for a lawn care business;

• Amanda Jones, 577 Harper Drive, for an online boutique; and

• Michael Sharp, 2514 N. Harvey Wakefield, for making crafts to sell at craft shows.

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