Pea Ridge Times

Peace be with you

- SCOTT STEWART Pea Ridge United Methodist and Brightwate­r Methodist churches

“Peace Be With You” Imagine a scene of peace. Some of you may have pictured yourself dozing in the bottom of a rowboat on a calm and tranquil lake. Others may have seen yourselves looking at a little baby sleeping in her crib, or a cat napping on a sun soaked window ledge. Still others may have seen themselves in a landscape empty of people — but full of grain gently waving in a breeze or beside a stream in the woods with the water making music as it runs over and around stones lying in its course.

How many of us can speak of peace in the midst of turmoil — of peace in the midst of fear — of peace in the midst of doubt?

False ideas about peace and joy abound in our society. These false ideas can distort our entire picture of what life is supposed to be about, and of who Christ is and of who we are. Human understand­ing cannot grasp it. Why not?

The ultimate reason is that it is not human peace. It is God’s peace. When we develop a lifestyle of making the Lord our refuge, we begin to live in the peace of God.

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. Believe in God, believe also in me.

These are the words of Jesus to us.

Peace be with you not because life will be plain sailing. Peace be with you not because you will always want to smile and will never have to suffer. Peace because you have linked yourself to a power greater than yours; a power that raised Jesus from the dead. Peace be with you!


Editor’s note: The Rev. Dr. Scott Stewart is the pastor of Pea Ridge United Methodist Church and Brightwate­r Methodist Church. The opinions expressed are those of the writer. He can be contacted at revjstewar­ or 479-659-9519.

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