Pea Ridge Times

White resigns; five seek seat


City Council member Merrill White has announced his intention to resign from the council as of March 22, one day after the March council meeting.

White, who was elected to the City Council in November 2020, mentioned late last year that he had his house and property in Pea Ridge for sale. His family was living on their farm in Newton County, Mo. At that time, he said he would resign when he sold his Pea Ridge property.

According to his email to city officials, White said: “My house in Pea Ridge has a contract on it and I feel very good about next steps in life. My wife and I have raised one daughter from K-12 in PR school system and we wouldn’t take the experience and lifetime friendship­s developed in the 25+ years in our community.

“At this time I will be posting my resignatio­n from the Pea Ridge City Council effective date will be March 22, 2023.

“Our community is in great shape for moving forward, are we behind (No) is what I say as there is a great City Council to ensure Pea Ridge will be forward thinking and moving.

“Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, time and wisdom for the amount of time I have been allowed to serve the community along side all of you,” White wrote.

Mayor Nathan See advertised the opening and has received applicatio­ns from five people as of Monday, March 13.

Those who have applied for the vacancy on the City Council are:

• Ashley Woodward Homsley;

• Jesse Fryer;

• David Holiman;

• Bob Cottingham; and

• Lonnie R. Harrell. Homesley said she has a passion for public service and has experience in corporate leadership. She said she is “particular­ly interested in working on issues related to sustainabl­e growth, public safety and economic developmen­t.”

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Fryer said it’s “with great excitement, pleasure and thankfulne­ss that I get to email you today” and asked for his email to be considered his official letter of interest. Fryer ran for the position in 2020 and received 44.08% of the vote, behind White, who received 55.92% of the votes.

Holiman said he would “love to have a hand in guiding the city on its path of growth and certain prosperity.” He said he and his family have lived in Pea Ridge for nearly two years, his wife teaches at the Middle School and two daughters attend the Primary School.

Cottingham said he served on the City Council from 2005 to 2018 and is familiar with residents in the ward and knows their concerns and issues. He said he has been a resident of the city since 1982.

Harrell said he has more than 27 years expedience with superior performanc­e in academic, strategic and technical capacities within the fire service and is a U.S. Air Force veteran. He is currently assistant fire marshal for Benton County.

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