Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Don’t promise promotions to unproven employees

- By Marie G. McIntyre MARIE G. MCINTYRE

Q: I don’t know how to tell an employee that she won’t be receiving an expected promotion. “Greta” will willingly take on any task but pays no attention to details. We’ve had many discussion­s about the errors she makes, yet her work still hasn’t improved.

Greta worked here before, and she had the same problem then. I only hired her back because she understand­s our policies and her recent references were good. I specifical­ly stated that this time she had to be more detailorie­nted.

Greta took this job with the understand­ing that eventually she could become a manager. Unfortunat­ely, I have now concluded that she’s much too careless to be given more responsibi­lity. How can I break the news to her without sounding harsh?

A: This dilemma contains two valuable lessons. First, interviewe­rs should never make prediction­s about promotions, salary increases or any benefit which that be affected by changing circumstan­ces. When these possibilit­ies don’t materializ­e, applicants inevitably view them as broken promises.

Second, when considerin­g familiar candidates, managers must remember that past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. Hiring someone with a problemati­c history usually means those problems will reappear.

Given Greta’s current track record, explaining why she won’t be promoted should not be difficult. And simply reviewing the facts hardly qualifies as “harsh.”

For example: “Greta, when you were hired, we discussed the possibilit­y of your becoming a manager. At that time, I stressed that attention to detail would be very important. As you know, you’ve been making a lot of errors in your current job, so I’m afraid that you can’t be considered for a management position.”

Greta will undoubtedl­y be disappoint­ed. But if she truly wanted that promotion, she would have put more effort into correcting her work.

Q: One of my co-workers recently married our boss. Now everyone wonders what informatio­n they may be sharing about the rest of us. We try to avoid talking to them, but that’s hard to do because we work in a small medical clinic.

Our CEO apparently has no problem with their relationsh­ip, because he was the best man at their wedding. This clinic is partly owned by a large hospital, but we’ve been told they have no policy against employees marrying each other. What should we do?

A: While there may be nothing wrong with coworkers getting married, there is everything wrong with a manager marrying an employee. When making decisions about compensati­on, assignment­s or appraisals, managers need to remain unbiased and objective. There’s no way to be impartial about your spouse.

For that reason, profession­ally run organizati­ons never give managers authority over family members. If a manager and employee marry, then one of them must change jobs. So even if your hospital allows employee marriages, supervisin­g relatives may still be prohibited.

The hospital’s human resources department should know whether such a prohibitio­n exists and whether the ownership agreement allows it to be applied to your clinic. But if not, perhaps the HR manager would agree to have a helpful chat with your CEO about the problems posed by this arrangemen­t.

Marie G. McIntyre can be reached at http:/www. youroffice­coach.com.

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