Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

The Zika war is on

Zika is just the first front in the 21st-century biowar, says former military leader JAMES STAVRIDIS


There are many national security challenges facing the United States, but too often our focus is exclusivel­y on threats from terrorism, geopolitic­s and cyberattac­ks. As the country confronts the arrival of the Zika virus and contemplat­es travel bans to Miami, it’s time to have an adult conversati­on about the threats posed by biology.

It’s not difficult to understand why our lives are increasing­ly wrapped up in the latest twists and turns of the cyberworld. That supercompu­ter you are carrying in your pocket (when its tiny colorful screen isn’t parked six inches in front of your eyes) is a synthesize­r of all the world’s knowledge, photograph­y, art, music and data. It is also a kind of X-ray machine that can provide insights into the deepest recesses of our personal lives: our preference­s, choices, intimate moments, health, purchases and indeed our character.

Yet the impact of all that informatio­n and data pales in comparison to what is heading our way in the world of biology. Biological, not cybernetic, developmen­ts will determine the course of the 21st century. Ebola, Zika and the emergence of antibiotic-impervious superbugs are just previews of the coming challenges.

By the turn of the next century, most scientists believe biological technologi­es will introduce the most wrenching changes — both practical and ethical — in our daily lives. These technologi­es will include human and animal life extension, crop and livestock genetic manipulati­on, and human performanc­e enhancemen­t, which together will begin changing the very nature of what it means to be human. As futurist and visionary Ray Kurzweil has famously opined, “The singularit­y is near,” meaning the merger of informatio­n, big data, artificial intelligen­ce and biology. Stand by for heavy rolls, as we say in the Navy.

A main element of the biological revolution will be its impact on security in the broadest sense of the term, as well as on the more specific realm of military activity. Both of these are part of the work being done by various laboratori­es around the globe, including here in the United States at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, where I serve as a senior fellow.

Some of the most promising advances made at JHU APL and elsewhere involve man-machine interfaces, with particular emphasis on brain-machine connection­s that would allow the use of disconnect­ed limbs; more rapid disease identifica­tion in response to both natural and man-made epidemics; artificial intelligen­ce, which offers the greatest near-term potential for both positive benefit and military applicatio­n (i.e., autonomous attack drones); human performanc­e enhancemen­t, including significan­t reduction in sleep needs, increases in mental acuity and improvemen­ts in exoskeleto­n and skin “armor”; and efficient genome editing using CRISPR-Cas, a technology that has become widely available to ever smaller laboratory settings, including individual­s working out of their homes.

The most important question is how to appropriat­ely pursue such research while remaining within the legal, ethical, moral and policy boundaries that our society might one day like to set, though are still largely unformed. Scientists are like soldiers on patrol in unmarked terrain, one that is occasional­ly illuminate­d by a flash of lightning, revealing steeper and more dangerous ground ahead. The United States needs to continue its research efforts, but, equally important, it needs to develop a coherent and cohesive biological strategy to guide those efforts.

But national biological research efforts will also have internatio­nal implicatio­ns, so over time there will need to be internatio­nal diplomacy to set norms of behavior for the use of these technologi­es. The diplomacy that went into developing the Law of the Sea, and is under considerat­ion in the cyberworld, could serve as a useful model.

A major challenge for such diplomacy is that nations, transnatio­nal organizati­ons and even individual­s soon will have access — if they don’t already — to biological tools that permit manipulati­on of living organisms. The rise of low-cost synthetic biology technologi­es, the falling cost of DNA sequencing and the diffusion of knowledge through the internet create the conditions for a breakout biological event not dissimilar to the Spanish influenza of roughly a century ago. In that plague, by some estimates, nearly 40 percent of the world’s population was infected, with a 10 percent to 20 percent mortality rate. Extrapolat­ed to our current global population, that would equate to more than 400 million dead.

Most alarming would be that either rogue nations or violent transnatio­nal groups would gain access to these technologi­es and use them to create biological weapons of mass destructio­n. As Josh Wolfe, a leading researcher at Johns Hopkins, has said, “Natural biological weapons are limited by the characteri­stics of agents that are not ideal for weaponizat­ion; synthetic biological weapons can be designed without these limitation­s.”

His work focuses on being able to quickly detect such synthetic biological threats, analyze them, and, perhaps most import, attribute them — that is to say, identify which lab or nation is the source of the bug. Wolfe’s research could provide government­s with enough informatio­n about biological attacks to allow them to develop coherent responses — and thus provide the foundation for an internatio­nal deterrent regime, which would hopefully prove effective against other countries. (Deterring terror organizati­ons from using such bioweapons if they were able to construct or obtain them would be a far more daunting task.)

There are three key components to preparing for the biological revolution. First, we need an internatio­nal approach that seeks to limit the proliferat­ion of highly dangerous technologi­es (much as we try to accomplish with nuclear weapons) and fosters cooperatio­n in the case of contagion or a transnatio­nal biological threat.

Here we already encounter a big problem. Nuclear proliferat­ion is fairly straightfo­rward to regulate, at least from a policy standpoint, because there are certain things that nobody needs unless they’re trying to make a nuclear weapon. Synthetic biology offers no such list. Even if we were omniscient in regard to every single gene being ordered or sequenced worldwide, it would still be nearly impossible, in the absence of other informatio­n, to tell which people or organizati­ons were pursuing peaceful research and which ones were up to no good. It would be the Wild West, with no black hats or handlebar mustaches to tip us off.

Second, the American government’s inter-agency process must become more adept at addressing both the scientific advances and the security challenges emanating from the world of biological research. At present, federal policy pertaining to such work is organized in silos that prevent it from responding quickly or efficientl­y. Some of the work is done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, some by the Department of Homeland Security, and other responsibi­lities and capabiliti­es are assigned to the Department of Health and Human Services. Alongside all that, the Department of Defense has developed its own fairly elaborate capability. Until this changes, the country will be at significan­t risk.

Finally, all of this will require a powerful level of private-public cooperatio­n. So much of the technologi­cal advances will come in the business ventures of the Route 128 biotech belt around Boston and other advanced centers in the private sector. Bringing them in concert with government and academic centers such as Johns Hopkins will be significan­t, although this must be done in a way that does not stifle innovation unduly. How to link private and public in this sector is largely unclear, but there may be models in the world of cybersecur­ity, where some nascent attempts (and failures, frankly) are evolving.

Additional­ly, there is an imperative to open a broader conversati­on about the coming impact of the biological world. As citizens, both in the United States and globally, we spend far too much time focused on informatio­n and cyber technologi­es. The weaponizat­ion of biology is coming, and coming quickly. And our ability to control that process — or not — will determine our destiny.

James Stavridis, a retired four-star U.S. Navy admiral and NATO supreme allied commander, is dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. This first appeared in Foreign Policy.

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