Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Female business owner seeks to avert wrong kind of attention


Q: I’m new to being a business owner, and unfortunat­ely, in the short time I’ve been running my own firm, I’ve encountere­d a number of male customers who seem to view me as an available female rather than a profession­al accountant. Although I wear modest, conservati­ve attire and do nothing to project an “on the market” vibe, these customers have focused on my social circumstan­ces instead of my abilities.

Recently, for example, I met with a potential client who asked several overly personal questions. Because I didn’t want to be rude, I wound up providing more informatio­n than I would have liked. As a result, he offered a lot of advice about my personal relationsh­ips. This seemed very disrespect­ful, so how do I keep it from happening again?

A: While a few creepy customers might have lecherous intentions, some of these guys may simply be trying to fill a conversati­onal vacuum. So the first step in solving this problem is to maintain control of the discussion in a pleasant, profession­al manner. Since you’re just starting out, this might require a bit of practice.

When meeting with prospectiv­e clients, you


must be prepared to initiate the conversati­on and then move it forward in a productive direction. If you start with a concise descriptio­n of your services, followed by some targeted business questions, customers are less likely to drift off track.

With those who like to chat, keep the topics appropriat­e by differenti­ating between what’s friendly and personal. Talking about pets, sports or travel is friendly, while discussing family matters or social relationsh­ips is personal. And sexual banter is in a category all its own.

Once you have mentally defined your conversati­onal boundaries, try to recognize when things are about to take an inappropri­ate turn. At that point, one helpful strategy is the “nonrespons­ive response,” in which you reply to a question with an answer that is both uninformat­ive and redirectin­g.

For example, if a customer were to say “Do you enjoy being single?” you might reply, “My real focus is on work. By the way, how many different product lines do you have?” This approach can be useful whenever a direct answer could lead you down an undesirabl­e path.

To summarize, begin your client meetings with a businessli­ke opener and remain focused on your goal. If “getting to know you” conversati­ons begin to cross the line, tactfully shift direction. And should you encounter any creepycraw­lers, immediatel­y delete them from your client list.

Q: I sit between two coworkers who chatter to each other all day long. When they talk across me, I can’t concentrat­e on my work or hear phone conversati­ons. After I spoke to our supervisor, the talking stopped for a couple of days, but then it started up again. How can I get these chatterbox­es to shut up?

A: The solution to this problem seems so simple that surely someone has considered it. But perhaps not, so here goes. Since you’re located in between these jabbering colleagues, why not just switch places with one of them? Once you’re no longer in the middle, their chatter might still be annoying but it’ll be significan­tly less disruptive.

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