Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Does this make me look fat?

Sad to say, the Machado drama tells us nothing new about Donald Trump

- Kathleen Parker Kathleen Parker is a syndicated columnist for The Washington Post (kathleenpa­rker@ washpost.com).

Only in the strangest ever presidenti­al election could a former beauty queen’s weight be considered a deal breaking issue of, if I may, gargantuan proportion­s.

Pretend it’s two weeks ago: Who is Alicia Machado?

Now: How happy is Alicia Machado?

If I weren’t paid by the word, I’d be speechless.

The former Miss Universe of 1996 has risen from the ashes of former fame to become the nom du jour thanks to some opposition research by the Clinton campaign. As everyone now knows, Donald Trump was once nasty to Ms. Machado, whose coronation as the most beautiful figure in the world apparently coincided with the arrival of her appetite.

According to Ms. Machado, who has appeared on numerous talk shows, Trump called her “Miss Piggy,” “eating machine,” and “Miss Housekeepe­r,” by which we are to infer that he was cruel, lacking in compassion — though he says he interceded when pageant officials wanted to fire her — and a classist, racist, misogynist ogre. I’m sorry. Who didn’t know? More baffling than the fact of the political twist we’ll naturally call “weight gate” is the breathless, hand-over-mouth reaction, primarily, it must be said, among the media and the Clinton campaign — not that Mr. Trump hasn’t participat­ed in giving this story rather good legs.

News flash: Donald Trump was mean to a beauty queen, who, contra her contract, according to him, gained too much weight. Pardon, but have The Deeply Offended been circling the moon the past 20 years? Mr. Trump didn’t suddenly begin treating women as chattel. He didn’t suddenly show his nasty attitude toward those he considers beneath him.

If his long-ago comments to Ms. Machado, resurrecte­d by a clever Hillary Clinton during the first presidenti­al debate, have provided enlightenm­ent to anyone over the age of 10, well, awesome sauce. For the rest of the polity, this is hardly revelation.

It’s just ol’ Donald being ol’ Donald — then, still and always.

What makes this dusty offense resonate now?

Ostensibly, it’s because our daughters, our granddaugh­ters, wives, sisters and selves have body-image issues. Thus it has always been, though lately (meaning the late 20th century to the present), we’ve become more attuned to how girls and women feel about their bodies — and, of course, what the president of the United States can do about it.

This isn’t to make light of eating disorders, which are serious health concerns. But this episode in political un-reality demands perspectiv­e. Plainly, Ms. Clinton tossed in the Machado tidbit knowing that Mr. Trump would seize the bait and get tangled in the nets. He can’t help himself.

That he would triple-down, tweeting in the middle of the night four days later, is more than Ms. Clinton could have hoped for. Early Friday, Mr. Trump apparently couldn’t sleep for thinking about it and tweeted that Ms. Clinton had been duped into mentioning his comments about the “disgusting” Ms. Machado.

Keep it up, Donnie, and Ms. Machado will have her own reality show before you get yours back.

Ms. Clinton’s expectatio­n, which is somewhat sexist in itself, was to capture the women’s vote by exposing Mr. Trump’s bullying of Ms. Machado. This expose would be especially effective, presumably, because every woman in America has uttered the words: “Does this make me look fat?”

I once asked my father this question when, three months after giving birth and still wearing 30 extra pounds, I donned a cashmere poncho with Western-ish markings to greet friends I hadn’t seen in years. He sized me up and replied: “No, you look like three Indians in a teepee.” We died laughing. The old man raised us to survive a harsh world but not so much with sensitivit­y training.

Ms. Clinton also hoped to gain the support of millennial­s, who, we’re told, are new to the body-image struggle — exaggerate­d by constant self-documentat­ion? — and are more sensitive to older generation­s’ attachment to stereotype­s and -isms.

Whether voting-age women will clamor to vote for Ms. Clinton because of remarks Mr. Trump made nearly 20 years ago will keep the commentari­at chewing the fat for a bit. The meat of the matter, meanwhile, is that Mr. Trump’s remarks then and now tell us something about whether he should be president: The man can’t control himself.

This should be enough.

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