Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

How to make protocols stick


Q: I work in a medical practice in which the staff regularly fails to follow establishe­d protocols. Although I know there should be consequenc­es for ignoring the rules, we haven’t been able to make that work with our employees.

Writing people up seems to have no effect, probably because they know they won’t be fired. We’ve considered deducting money from their bonus pay, but we’re afraid that might hurt morale. What other consequenc­es can be used with profession­al adults?

A: When employees appear to be willfully noncomplia­nt, managers tend to view punishment as the logical solution. In reality, however, imposing negative consequenc­es should be the last step, not the first. So let’s start by considerin­g whether your focus on penalties might be premature.

People disregard rules for many reasons. Unless managers explain the purpose of a policy, employees may have no idea why it matters. Also, some procedures may not be as clearly defined as management thinks. With complex processes, people can have trouble rememberin­g all the steps. And sometimes they find an easier way to accomplish the same result.

To assess this particular situation, ask yourself


a few relevant questions. Have these protocols been specifical­ly defined and communicat­ed in writing? Are visual reminders provided at appropriat­e points? Has management thoroughly explained why the procedures are important? Are employees frequently reminded of those reasons?

If you haven’t already done so, try asking the staff why they aren’t following the desired steps. Unless they’re being deliberate­ly stubborn, which seems unlikely in a medical practice, they may be able to point out flaws and suggest improvemen­ts. When an entire group fails to comply, the problem often lies with the policy, not the people.

Finally, remember that consequenc­es can also be positive. Instead of issuing warnings or withholdin­g money, you might publicly praise those who do well or give them an extra bonus. But if, after all your efforts, some obstinate employees still ignore proper procedures, then it’s time to replace those meaningles­s write-ups with pre-terminatio­n notices.

Q: I recently sent several emails in which I referred to my managers as idiots. Unfortunat­ely, they saw these messages and were not pleased. When they called me in for a discussion, I admitted that my language was inappropri­ate and that I deserved a reprimand.

Even though I apologized profusely, I’m afraid my bosses may still be upset with me. Should I send them an apologetic email or just leave it alone and hope they forget?

A: In terms of immediate response, you have probably done enough. After an admission of guilt and a fervent apology, additional groveling might seem like overkill. And if the meeting with your bosses ended on a positive note, you certainly don’t want to remind them of the problem.

To completely undo the damage, however, you will have to demonstrat­e that this was a temporary expression of frustratio­n, not a reflection of your true feelings. Therefore, you must be sure that any future interactio­ns with management are friendly, polite and respectful. While a single misstep might eventually be forgotten, a repeat performanc­e could kill your career.

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