Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Trump, GOP look to health law report as a lifeline comeback

- By Steve Peoples and Jonathan Lemire

DORAL, Fla. — Suddenly armed with what is seen as fresh political ammunition, Donald Trump and anxious Republican­s across the nation seized on spiking health care costs Tuesday in a finaldays effort to spark election momentum.

The Republican presidenti­al nominee, trekking across must-win Florida, insisted “Obamacare is just blowing up” after the government projected sharp cost increases for President Barack Obama’s signature health care law. Democrat Hillary Clinton, fighting to block Mr. Trump in the same battlegrou­nd state, has vowed to preserve insurance for the millions of Americans covered under the law, but her team described the cost surge as a “big concern.”

After devoting much of his time to that state’s Cuban-Americans following indication­s that Florida’s Puerto Ricans look this year to be an overwhelmi­ngly Democratic bloc, Mr. Trump closed out the day by casting the government’s projection­s about the health care law in personal terms.

“It’s killing our businesses. It’s killing our small businesses. And it’s killing individual­s,” Mr. Trump told supporters at an evening rally in Tallahasse­e, without presenting evidence to back up his assertions.

While the health care law has provided coverage to millions previously uninsured, it has also increased costs and regulatory burdens for businesses, particular­ly medium-sized to large companies. But small businesses are exempt from its requiremen­t to cover fulltime employees or face fines.

The renewed emphasis on health care gave battered Republican House and Senate candidates a brief respite from months of painful questions about their presidenti­al nominee, who has questioned the integrity of the U.S. election system while facing personal allegation­s of sexual misconduct. Mr. Trump has denied any wrongdoing.

“My first day in office I’m going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law,” a fiery Mr. Trump told thousands of voters gathered at an airport along the Interstate 4 corridor.

Blessed with an unexpected political gift, however, it’s viewed as unclear whether Mr. Trump will be able to capitalize.

“He could make this race for the last two weeks a referendum on Obamacare. But, of course, he won’t do that,” said former Ted Cruz strategist Chris Wilson. “It’s just a matter of him swatting at flies instead of having a coherent and consistent message.”

Indeed, Mr. Trump has been seen as struggling to stay focused on the traditiona­l issues throughout his outsider candidacy. He opened Tuesday by promoting one of his Florida golf resorts, highlighti­ng the extraordin­ary intersecti­on between his business and political interests. At the same time, he said Tuesday he has no intention of starting a media empire. Mr. Trump is also scheduled to attend today’s opening of his new Washington hotel.

“We’re at Trump National Doral. And it’s one of the great places on earth,” Mr. Trump said during a visit to his golf club. He encouraged his employees to praise him at the microphone and said many of them are having “tremendous problems with Obamacare.”

The Doral general manager later clarified that 95 percent of the club’s employees are on company-provided insurance.

Several Republican­s in difficult races leapt at Tuesday’s rate hike, including Sens. Kelly Ayotte in New Hampshire and Roy Blunt in Missouri.

Ms. Clinton did not address the cost surges during an afternoon rally on the Broward College campus in Coconut Creek.

Noting that her crowd was diverse, she said, “I bet some of you or maybe your parents or grandparen­ts came from places where none of that was true.” She said Mr. Trump was “attacking everything that has set our country apart for 240 years.”

At the same time, his campaign said Tuesday that it has scheduled no more bigmoney fundraisin­g events to benefit the Republican Party, a move seen as another sign of the GOP nominee’s struggling campaign and a serious blow to the party’s get-out-the-vote operations

Also Tuesday, Ms. Clinton picked up the endorsemen­t of former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Republican.

On Obamacare, Clinton spokeswoma­n Jennifer Palmieri conceded that “cost controls are a big concern for Hillary Clinton.”

She said the Democratic presidenti­al nominee has a plan to lower insurance costs, “both through the public option and a Medicare buy-in.” She warned that Mr. Trump’s plan would strip insurance from roughly 20 million Americans who now benefit.

Mr. Trump, who must win the battlegrou­nd state to have any chance at the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency, appeared at three campaign events Tuesday, his third straight day in the state. Ms. Clinton, who can win the presidency with or without Florida, made one appearance on the first day of a two-day swing.

While the candidates sparred, hundreds of thousands of Floridians were voting. Tuesday marked the second day of early in-person voting. Early voting by mail began two weeks ago.

Traditiona­lly, Republican­s have run up a large advantage in mail-in-ballots, while Democrats rely on early voting to boost their turnout numbers. This year the parties are running nearly even.

Meanwhile, a PRRI poll released Tuesday showed that fewer than half of Americans are very confident that their vote for president will be counted correctly— and most say their ballot will not matter anyway because the political process is so dominated by corporate interests.

Some early voters in Texas said their machines changed their votes to Ms. Clinton, but elections officials say the allegation­s are more than likely false or instances of user error. And in Indiana, A data analysis firm hired by a voter registrati­on group says the state’s voter database has thousands of people over the age of 110 who are likely deceased and registered to vote, but they don’t say that necessaril­y means that there is fraud.

 ?? Katie Rausch/Block News Alliance ?? Republican vice presidenti­al candidate Mike Pence, left, greets supporters as he campaigns Tuesday at Grand Aire Inc. in the Toledo Express Airport in Swanton, Ohio.
Katie Rausch/Block News Alliance Republican vice presidenti­al candidate Mike Pence, left, greets supporters as he campaigns Tuesday at Grand Aire Inc. in the Toledo Express Airport in Swanton, Ohio.

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